6 man History

A little blurb on 6 man football in the September 5, 1940 Freeport Facts.

yessir, saw the Three Way post. I just figured the "Fence" was there forever. Was copying some old tapes and saw it in all its glory. Ha Along with a certain individual from a certain school hanging a double bird to the fans at S town. Pure class. Ha
Old Bearkat":96btkgbs said:
An odd tidbit from the October 25, 1940 Port Arthur News on 6 man intramural football at Chicago University after tehy dropped intercollegiate 11 man football.

I don't know how common this was, but I know that Chicago wasn't unique in doing this. I have seen mentions in the archives of the local papers here in Maryland about St. John's College in Annapolis having intramural six-man football starting up after they dropped intercollegiate football as well. They actually dropped all athletics during this time period and have never restarted them. They are still functioning, albeit with a really odd curriculum and a tiny enrollment. Their six-man intramural teams may have predated six-man high school play in this state.

Outside of St. John's and now Chicago, I have never seen this mentioned at the collegiate level. However, two schools located far apart in the 1940s both doing the same thing would suggest that this could have been fairly widespread during a brief period of time during the national heyday of six-man.

Several boarding prep schools may have also had intramural six-man teams. I have seen them mentioned at I believe St. Andrews School in DE. They had a full intramural six-man league with all the teams identified by colors (Red Team vs. Blue Team, etc...). I doubt they were they only school to do this.
So far, all I have found is Chicago U doing that. There were several more articles, all almost unreadable about them playing 6 man intramurals, and all taking a snotty tone about it. Chicago U's intramural teams did combine as an "all-star" team and did play several small colleges and Junior colleges in a few 11 man games.