What Now?

Smokey get that new gun out and go get some venison. Marinate it the way you do the other meat and people will be knocking at your door to have a bite.
LOL cut those nasty musk glands off so your meat won't taste wild. It took DSH a while to learn that in his younger days. I used milk to take the wild out of the meat.
LOL Smokey your all set. I hope you bring in a big one. Your zero'd in and ready to go. I can't wait to hear some of the recipes you come up with. Keep that shoulder padded.
This is just for hogs & 4-legged coyotes....... I havent killed a deer in 40 years and don't plan to start now...... I have been watching a nice little 8 point though. There's just not much hunting involved with deer down here.
If you get some hogs you will be doing Texas a great big favor. If we lived closer to the lease we could trap hogs and sell them in Newcastle. My BIL sold some and made quite a bit of money and a Rancher trapped about 30 hogs that cleaned his hay out. DSH and I went to look at them and they were big, mean and mad. The rancher showed us where he had about 50 bales of hay and those hogs flattened it all out. I never found out if the hogs sold enough to replace his hay but I'm sure they did.
Those 4 legged Coyotes need to go. They will kill any animals that you have. Speaking of hogs, my dad had some that found their way to his house. He had been feeding corn to the squirrels because my mom loves to watch them. That night they let their little dog out to do his business and they heard a loud yelping going on. A hog had gored the little dog and dang near killed him. No more corn in the front yard and my dad got his gun out. After Peewee was hurt my dad looked everywhere for that hog and never found it.
I want my husband to stay down there for a week with a partner and trap those suckers because they mess up deer hunting. Deer and Hogs don't get along. There could be tons of money made and not to far to get them delivered. If you have too many they send their truck out.
Melani, you didn't say anything that would cause anyone to be offended, as best I can tell. It sounds to me like you have a good grasp of God's word as it relates to sin, grace, and love.

If you're interested in reading the full article the Phil did in GQ, it's here: http://www.gq.com/entertainment/televis ... -robertson

He said pretty much the same things that you said. He didn't just talk about the gay stuff, but that's what stirred up all the attacks against him. He was a little more plain spoken about sexual attractions than I would have been (to say the least), but he didn't say anything that wasn't true. LOL

I have several friends that are friends with the Robertsons. They all say that the Robertsons are all just good people. Very down to earth and real. One thing about Phil is that you will never have to wonder what he thinks about something. :)
Also, you have to remember that the GQ article includes only what the writer and editor decided to print. It's safe to say that Phil talked a lot more Bible with the reporter than they had room to print. :)
I've heard that wild hogs can be cleaned out and fed corn and be good to eat. We killed a hog and decided to have her processed and I didn't take a liking to the meat, although I know lots of people do like them. I got the ham part and maybe with a marinate it would of been ok. I only cooked it was tough and not very good to me. The pork chops were tough also. We might of picked the wrong hog to eat.
LOL Shane thank you. I know you love the Lord. I can tell. Phil Roberson and his family are loved by all and I was told that they pray a lot and have their show. I love that like Dawg the Bounty Hunter and our sixman football teams because they pray. I read a little bit about the Robertsons and I agree they are good people. Anyone that prays as the do loves our Heavenly God. I got onto facebook to keep up with my family and there are so many people mad at A&E that are boycotting them. I had already decided to do it myself because of doing Christians they way they do them. I also found out A&E told them not to pray because they would offend the Muslims. That channel has everything wrong. I won't be watching it at all. Shane I love all of you and do understand how everyone feels. A&E wants to suspend Phil but not fire him because they know they will lose the rest of the Dynasty group. I read that there are more Duck Dynasty fans that are giving A&E fits. Phil will be back if they want the number one show to continue.

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