UT vs. Tech

Guys I dunno. UT sucks this year. But Tech doesn't play defense. And don't get on me I'm a UT fan I'm probably going there next fall I just am realistic this year, we have gotten lots lof lucky breaks. But yeah Tech's defense sucks so I think UT will win if Jamaal Charles keeps playing like he has been. I think UT by 10.
In comparison to years past, this team sucks. Sure, they have put together some big comeback in the past few weeks, but much of that rests on their opponents' shoulders for folding at the end of the game. They have been digging holes for themselves and have gotten very lucky to scrape themselves back out. Charles is one of the few bright spots on this year's team.

He is sticking to his guns about being a Tech fan. He said he would. Congrats to him.

I did notice that the leader of Tech Excusiversary was at it again today.

Leach was complaining about the refs.

Well - The touchdown was dropped (not controlled) in the end zone, the one handed catch by Crabtree hit the ground, and the hold was worthy of a move in the ring of the World Wrestling Federation (spun the guy completely around and threw him to the ground).

I guess the refs should have given Texas a penalty every time Charles ran by them like they weren't there in the first half.

Besides the mental lapse and letdown on the 69 yard TD in the fourth this was a 59 to 36 blowout. The Raiders were completely dominated. And Texas is hurt. Played without Charles, lost their center, Tight end, and another starting lineman during the game. Already short several defensive starters.

Now the Raiders have to face Oklahoma who is trying to make a bid for one of the top 2 spots in the BCS. Gonna be a really long day in Lubbock next Sat.
Was it just me or did Harrell look like he was doing a lot of jawing during the game? The announcers were saying he was mouthing to Leach (but who knows what those guys know) and it looked like he was talking the talk to the Horns. This may have been back to Texas but it didnt look good to me especially if you can't back it up. Yeah, he threw for forever but still lost as a team. Anyone there who can straighten me out on this?
High Plains Drifter":35h0cvey said:
Was it just me or did Harrell look like he was doing a lot of jawing during the game? The announcers were saying he was mouthing to Leach (but who knows what those guys know) and it looked like he was talking the talk to the Horns. This may have been back to Texas but it didnt look good to me especially if you can't back it up. Yeah, he threw for forever but still lost as a team. Anyone there who can straighten me out on this?

Yeah, I think he was mouthing a bit. They did lose but not because of Harrell! I thought he played very well. The Defense is terrible.....but you can say the same for the Texas secondary! Neither team could stop each other offensively. Mack Brown out coached Leach....plain and simple. He pulled a couple of unexpected trick plays and guess what....they win by a couple of scores. I thought the terrible defense and the plays were the difference in the game.

I see nothin wrong with doing a little mouthing....a lot of times it gets your team fired up! It worked for the offense but not the defense! He should have been mouthing at his own defense! :D
Thats true hog, I was just mentioning the fact that he seemed to have his helmet off on the field and talking a lot. Yes, he played well and I agree with everything you said, I just felt like he was out of line if he got in the head coach's face, and I do realize that things are different nowdays, just feel like that was a little much.
I was at the game with my kids. Wow what a fun day. On nearly every play the numerous Tech fans around me were talking about how they got cheated. It was a bit tiring. Great comment by some sports talk guys the next day in reference to Leach. "Pirates don't cry". You're right crawford Texas has a shot at a BCS but their defense did look bad. Of course they were playing the gimmick nintendo offense of Tech. Tech will always lose 3-5 games a year as long as they are so one dimensional. Great comment from the Tech fan beside me, "The worst thing about scoring so quick is that our defense has to play again, maybe we should just let them score so our offense can get back on the field."
By the way when Crabtree caught that last pass when he crossed the 50 I sat down because it was obvious that he was going to score. UT had several defenders in position to make a play but it didn't matter. That kid is incredible. going to a UT game to watch him and Harrell is like the first few years of Jordan with Chicago. You knew your team was going to win but it was to fun to watch the scoring show.
If you want to read more on Leach's whining about the officials, read Cedric Golden's column in the Statesman from Sunday. (http://www.statesman.com/sports/content ... olden.html)

My thought is this... let's assume Tech was jobbed on every call. They seemed to score on each of those possessions, except the one at the end of the third -- So it still didn't matter.

On the other hand, he does have a point. Having a resident of Austin on the officiating crew is a bit strange (and looks bad for the conference), but it happens in many games and in every sport in college athletics. When you get down to soccer and tennis, the crews are almost always locals. Heck, the ex-Baylor tennis coach is an official at Baylor matches, while the mother of a Texas A&M player officiates all ATM matches, although never on her son's court. Albeit she is one of the best in the country and worked the US Open (and lives in Austin), it looks bad.