UT vs. t-tech

If ESPN is right, UT has a pretty banged up defense. Especially the secondary, which is mostly freshmen anyway. ESPN said last night that Texas has their starting safeties out for this game and are resorting to second stringers. Don't know if that can hold water but if it is true then Harrell should have a hayday, along with Mr. Crabtree......IF that huge O-line can keep Orakpo off of Harrell. I just don't think that UT's D-line can get through arguably the best O-line in the nation. :wink: With that said, if they can't get pressure on Graham then he should have a pretty easy day of throwing the ball to open recievers. I look for Morris to have a bid day also.

Now, Tech's defense is going to have to step up. They really have got to contain against McCoy running the ball. If the pocket closes then McCoy is gone, which has caused problems for Tech in the past. Mobile QBs give our defense hell.....plus this guy can pass the ball pretty well!

I think Tech wins by a TD or less!
Found these stats about Tech's Defense.....surprised the heck out of me!
Texas Tech's Big 12 Defensive ranking: Run defense-2nd at 101 ypg., Total defense-3rd at 346.5 ypg., Scoring-2nd at 21.1 ppg., Interceptions-1st at 14, and TO margin-1st at +9 (+1.12 per game).
How about this stat?

Strength of Schedule ranking
Texas - 1
Texas Tech - 83

That is out of 120 schools....

This is going to be a very good game. Being in Lubbock, it can go either way.
I know someone has already alluded to this, but I really think its going to come down to both team’s running game. I mean, everyone knows that both of these teams have an amazing passing game, Harrell with his nationally leading yardage numbers, and McCoy with his other-worldly completion percentage. All of that’s a given, but what is not a given is who’s running game (if either) will be able to dominate.

Although Tech doesn’t run all that often, their two main backs are averaging over 5 yards per carry, and after seeing what Okie State’s running game did against Texas (especially in the 2nd half) one might wonder if Texas can stop Tech’s running game, let alone passing game.

On the other hand, I believe it was Texas’ ability to control the running game on both sides of the ball that propelled them past OU a few weeks ago. The big Ogbonnaya run late in the game pretty much sealed that victory, and OU couldn’t run a lick against UT’s defense.

In my opinion then, the key to the game is whether or not Texas’ D-line and linebackers can pursue Harrell effectively while also defending the run. Because of their experience in big games, and the D-line’s freakish athleticism I think they can. Texas wins 31-28.
granger":2vkjkf7q said:
How about this stat?

Strength of Schedule ranking
Texas - 1
Texas Tech - 83

That is out of 120 schools....

This is going to be a very good game. Being in Lubbock, it can go either way.

Where those rankings up to this point or for the upcoming games. I don't see how that could be accurate if it is for thw upcoming schedule.
Those are current numbers. Source - collegebcs.com

Just pointing out that the current Tech stats are against a VERY weak schedule.

As for the running game being important, I don't really agree. I think it will be important to Texas, should they take a lead. They also want to burn clock and keep the Tech offense off the field. I don't think Tech cares about the running game. They were still throwing the ball in the fourth against both A&M and Kansas. I think Leach feels he just needs to score, score and score some more and their best shot at this is by passing.
I would have to disagree Granger on not having to run the football. You may get away with being one dimensional against average teams but not top teams. I know the argument about Texas being 110th in the nation against the pass but what most don't know is Tech is 98th. And Texas has played the toughest schedule against very good passing games. Whether or not you can run the football you still have to try to keep a defense like Texas from pinning their ears back and rushing the passer. Will Muschamp will find a way to get pressure on Harrell, I guarantee it. If you are going to win a national championship you have be able to run the football. But lastly it will come down to who plays the best defense and by the numbers Hogcaller since you brought up Techs defensive stats, Texas is ahead of tech in all of those categories except for interceptions.
I agree with Granger. All stats must be thrown out the window except that Texas beat a #1 Oklahoma and Tech has beat at best a debatable #17 Kansas team. Tech has all of their good stats because they have played teams like UMass, Nevada, and Eastern Washington. These teams can both move the ball down the field passing at will. Running will only matter once McCoy or Harrel gets rattled. Which means it will come down to defensive pressure and I personally would put my money on Muschamp. He did a very good job at limiting the Heisman candidate Bradford and can do it with Harrel as well. Red Raider fans put your loyalties aside and be realistic.

Tech has Texas, Ok St, and Oklahoma in a row. I'd say they lose 2 out of the 3. Texas by 10
You guys have the same attitude OU did last year against Tech. Hopefully so do the Longhorn players, but I doubt it! HAHA! Mack Brown will have his team ready to play as usual.

It will be a good one! :wink:

I predict Tech to win two out of the next three, if not all.......Texas is not the loss! I just have this hunch they beat OSU and Texas and possibly lose to OU in Norman. 8) I think it would be funny to see how the BCS covers their butts with so many excellent 1 loss teams. If this happens, maybe they get rid of the BS....I mean BCS! :D

I posted the stats earlier to see what your commets were on those stats......not because I believe in them. I agree that you have to throw the stats out the window! You do not know what will happen against the Red Raiders! In the past they have been unpredictable.....this year, hopefully........they will be a little more stable.
Hooah86":3iohv7g7 said:
I agree with Granger. All stats must be thrown out the window except that Texas beat a #1 Oklahoma and Tech has beat at best a debatable #17 Kansas team. Tech has all of their good stats because they have played teams like UMass, Nevada, and Eastern Washington. These teams can both move the ball down the field passing at will. Running will only matter once McCoy or Harrel gets rattled. Which means it will come down to defensive pressure and I personally would put my money on Muschamp. He did a very good job at limiting the Heisman candidate Bradford and can do it with Harrel as well. Red Raider fans put your loyalties aside and be realistic.

Tech has Texas, Ok St, and Oklahoma in a row. I'd say they lose 2 out of the 3. Texas by 10

:roll: Bitter Aggy.

Enjoy getting your ass handed to you again?
The Assassin":2csyogfc said:
I think it will come down to who can run the football with more success and who can get more pressure on the QB. Tech will have to be able to run against Texas, they won't be able to line up and throw every down and win.

Tech runs the ball alot more now. So they're going to run when needed, and if UT is going to give up 217 yards to Oklahoma St, it's going to be interesting to see what Batch and Woods can do.

Face it, all you have is a D Line. The rest is mediocrity. Tech should be able to beat you through the air and on the ground.

And for your D Line, you aren't going to just get to Harrell with ease. Not against our O Line (which is the biggest and one of the best in all of CFB). If you are to get in his face alot (which you won't), he'll simply dump it off and our WR's will make a joke of your secondary with their playmaking abilities.

In other words, Tech is going to score, and going to score alot. Question is, Can UT keep up and score more?

We'll find out.
Bugz":2qp4qa71 said:
The Assassin":2qp4qa71 said:
I think it will come down to who can run the football with more success and who can get more pressure on the QB. Tech will have to be able to run against Texas, they won't be able to line up and throw every down and win.

Tech runs the ball alot more now. So they're going to run when needed, and if UT is going to give up 217 yards to Oklahoma St, it's going to be interesting to see what Batch and Woods can do.

Face it, all you have is a D Line. The rest is mediocrity. Tech should be able to beat you through the air and on the ground.

And for your D Line, you aren't going to just get to Harrell with ease. Not against our O Line (which is the biggest and one of the best in all of CFB). If you are to get in his face alot (which you won't), he'll simply dump it off and our WR's will make a joke of your secondary with their playmaking abilities.

In other words, Tech is going to score, and going to score alot. Question is, Can UT keep up and score more?

We'll find out.

LOL... You have been dippin your tortilla in that wacky queso haven't ya?? LOL... Only one team can have posession of the ball at any given time.... When tech doesnt have the ball, they cant score... and I dont see them stopping Texas much with their "much improved" defense. But it is good to see the old sand aggies have a lot of confidence this year, but you can base your greatness on playing absolutely nobody.... Your season starts this weekend. IF Tech is able to pull one away from the horns.... they better not be dwelling too much on their superbowl win... Because this pain train has a few more cars comin....
There is plenty of difference between Oklahoma St. and Texas Tech when it comes to running the football, night and day. The thing I find funny is Texas has been as unstoppable on offense as Tech and look at the difference in quality of opponents. Tech has given up more yards and points with also the same weaker schedule than Texas. And Texas is a top team year in year out, yall Tech fans are have all the pressure, because they have to prove just like the Titans did the other night, that they do belong and are for real for once. Lastly you don't see Texas dragging kids off the street to come out and play for their team, although I think that was pretty awesome. One thing though, if you Tech fans due get the big win I hope yall represent well for us Texans and take care of the rest of business, don't blow it against THAT TEAM FROM UP NORTH WITH ALL THE KIDS FROM DOWN SOUTH, and let them back in the thick of things.
Yes, very well played by Tech... they dominated the first half and every break went their way for most of the game and Texas still had a chance to win the game... I still cannot believe Gideon dropped that int there at the end... Harrell and Crabtree made the big plays in the end (well all game, really).