#1 UT vs. #6 a&m stillwater


11-man fan
Ok fans what are your predictions. Personally I think UT runs the table and faces either a tough SEC team, USC, or ut-norman in the BCS Championship game. First things first though take care of the cowboys in Austin Saturday game time 2:30 on ABC. Hook em'
i would also love to see the horns run the table.but dont forget penn state, if they win this week against ohio state then penn st. has a cake walk. plus thet dont have a big 10 title game. if texas or bama slips up look for psu in the bcs title game. personally for me bcs needs to announce title game teams before conference title games, let the conference championships be iceing on the cakes for the teams that have to play, or require all teams to play in a conference championship. hookem baby...
The Longhorns were just too strong last weekend for me to predict against them. However, they are a little more worn down, and OKST is obviously better than Mizzou. I think this is going to be a nail biter, probably for UT, but in the even of a mental lapse, this could certainly go to OKST. However, I am going to stick with home field advantage on this one again as the deciding factor.

Penn State, while they have done some good things, has such an easy schedule compared to the Big 12. I don't think they could get 4th in the Big 12 South, so it is extremely ridiculous in my opinion that they can win out and find themselves in the title game while the SEC and Big 12 beat each other up.

Title game - Penn State vs. Boise State
If i was to go out and predict right now, I'm gonna have to say UT vs. Alabama for the Title, BUT DISCLAIMER: this is only a speculation. If UT beats Oklahoma State, then i believe they will win out. Bama has been impressive thus far, but have a competitive conference to deal with. I'm still unsure.
If you look at the computer rankings Penn State ranks low. If Bama and UT run the table it will be them. UT will most likely play Mizzou in a much closer Big 12 title game but will win and then have over a month to prepare for the Tide.
It would a very tough predicament if Bama and Texas play for the title game, at least for me. I have been a very big Alabama fan for a long time and also as I have aged a bit, it as more about the pride and glory of the state of Texas. That being said Texas looked unstoppable last week and Bama played good enough to get by a tough Ole Miss team, but they both have a tough road ahead of them. I think USC obviously has the easiest schedule left of the top five but as long as noone else in the top five has more than one loss, I think the easy schedule gets them in the end. I think Penn St. loses to Ohio State at the Shoe. There is no way a non BCS school like Boise St. will play for a title game, they would take a two loss SEC or Big 12 school over an undefeated Boise St. team in my opinion because of strength of schedule. For Texas playing Tech in Lubbock scares me more than any team at home. Plus they still have to play Kansas in Lawrence and don't forget about A&M who will do everything to spoil it for the horns if Texas is still undefeated at the end of the year. One thing I don't like about the BCS is that it is better to lose that one game early than late. I don't understand it but it is what it is. With the way Bama has played I don't see them running the table but I hope they do. I think it will be hard for Texas to emulate what they did against Mizzou but I think they are destined to win it all and hopefully Colt will win the heisman. If Texas is the only undefeated left at the end of the year, I think they will play either Florida or UT-Norman due to schedule strength.
I wonder if UT could beat the Cowboys on Sunday???? I remember some talk earlier in the year about if a USC team could beat a NFL team.....There are a number of teams that still have a chance to play for the so called "Championship Game". I just wanna enjoy the moment as long as it lasts.........This was suppose to be a "down year" for the Horns too.
I know your having fun Cowboy but it always strikes me funny when people seriously discuss this. I remember when some actually thought the Patrick Ewing Hoyas might give some of the NBA teams a run for their money in the 80's. The pros are really the next level and as bad as some look week to week I honestly don't believe any college team would have a chance. Speaking of looking bad why doesn't someone start a post on the Cowboys? I don't have the heart to do it right now.
Agreed Mustang. I had a little chuckle to myself when I thought about the prospects of the OSU cowboys switching spots with the Dallas Cowboys, but there isn't a team in college today that could put up a game against the pros.

Yes, some 5A high schools could probably beat DIII colleges, but that isn't really a step up, and especially not on the level of college to the pros.
I am surprised nobody is talking smack about the Cowboys on here yet. I guess there are more "lovers than haters" on here. This is a bad time for the Boys right now, but it could be worse, Jerry could bring Bozo the Clown back........
cowboyfan40":26b223ow said:
I am surprised nobody is talking smack about the Cowboys on here yet. I guess there are more "lovers than haters" on here. This is a bad time for the Boys right now, but it could be worse, Jerry could bring Bozo the Clown back........

Your right there is'n alot of haters of cowboys but iam one of the haters and just makes me laugh evertime they lose game
six man fan 2011":3aas21ty said:
By the way,the aggies changed there name to faggies and my prediction is that texas longhorns are going to beat them espicially with colt mcoy

I'm no Aggie fan but that was not necessary. As far as Colt beating them he hasn't done it yet. He will this year I'm sure.
Mustang76":1g37kq64 said:
six man fan 2011":1g37kq64 said:
By the way,the aggies changed there name to faggies and my prediction is that texas longhorns are going to beat them espicially with colt mcoy

I'm no Aggie fan but that was not necessary. As far as Colt beating them he hasn't done it yet. He will this year I'm sure.

That just shows how much i hate the team
six man fan 2011":3g58pcxa said:
Mustang76":3g58pcxa said:
six man fan 2011":3g58pcxa said:
By the way,the aggies changed there name to faggies and my prediction is that texas longhorns are going to beat them espicially with colt mcoy

I'm no Aggie fan but that was not necessary. As far as Colt beating them he hasn't done it yet. He will this year I'm sure.

That just shows how much i hate the team

Assuming 2011 is your graduation year it also shows that sophmores haven't changed musch since I was in school.
The Express News in SA had a article in today's paper about the "other Oklahoma " team. I wonder if OSU will get scared if they can somehow build a big lead like they did in 3 of the past 4 years against UT?