UT vs. t-tech


11-man fan
Time to hit the high plains. The Longhorns travel to Lubbock next week. What are your thoughts on the game. Texas looked human this week. A lot of that has to be credited to the cowboys who played an incredible game. Can UT find it's running game? Can the d-line find Harrell? What head will Lee Corso don? We've got our tickets and we will be traveling to Lubbock Saturday to find out these answers and more. See you there.
I will side with Tech out of loyalty more than anything here, but I think they have a few things in their favor. UT is worn down mentally and physically. They have played 3 big games in a row, although that experience could be in their favor as well. Tech has also shown they are not just a pushover. A normal Tech team would have lost one of the earlier games, probably to Nebraska, and they would have gone to Lawrence completely unprepared. Now that they have shown they can play, they have the chance to prove, in Lubbock, that they are truly one of the elite teams in the country.

UT is almost out of the woods though, as they just need to beat Tech, and then they'll move on to Baylor, Kansas, and A&M. Kansas won't be a total blow-off, but lots easier than their current 4 game stretch. For the Big 12's sake, I just hope Tech doesn't knock off UT, and then lose to OSU and OU. That is, if everyone beats each other, and some team like Penn State, with a super weak schedule, gets into the title game, then I don't even know if I'll watch.
lbk419":3rl04yfi said:
I will side with Tech out of loyalty more than anything here, but I think they have a few things in their favor. UT is worn down mentally and physically. They have played 3 big games in a row, although that experience could be in their favor as well. Tech has also shown they are not just a pushover. A normal Tech team would have lost one of the earlier games, probably to Nebraska, and they would have gone to Lawrence completely unprepared. Now that they have shown they can play, they have the chance to prove, in Lubbock, that they are truly one of the elite teams in the country.

UT is almost out of the woods though, as they just need to beat Tech, and then they'll move on to Baylor, Kansas, and A&M. Kansas won't be a total blow-off, but lots easier than their current 4 game stretch. For the Big 12's sake, I just hope Tech doesn't knock off UT, and then lose to OSU and OU. That is, if everyone beats each other, and some team like Penn State, with a super weak schedule, gets into the title game, then I don't even know if I'll watch.

So your saying it would just be better if UT won? :lol: Seriously tech strikes me as a different team than in years past when you just knew they would lose a game they shouldn't. OSU at home will be a good game and OU on the road will be interesting. Of course it would, by your on admission sort of, be better if UT wins for the good of the Big 12.
Well, that's where I'm seriously conflicted. I just want to see a Big 12 team in the title game. UT has proven themselves week after week and have at least shown they can stand up anyone. Tech has played solidly and really came through when they had to, but they just started the tough part of their schedule.

I think OSU is going to be really tough in Lubbock, and playing in Norman, if they make it there undefeated, will be unbelievably difficult. That said, this is the step Tech has wanted to take for as long as I've watched them, and they have finally put themselves in a position to do something with it.
I actually heard a guy in College Station this weekend say he hated Tech so much that if the "terrorists" had a college football team and they played Tech...he'd root for the terrorists. I know that doesnt really have anything to do with this weekend, I just thought it was funny.

Im looking forward to a good game but Texas looked impressive against a superb OSU team. Tech might have a little more lead in their britches this year but they havent seen a defensive front 7 like this yet. Quan, Shipley and Colt are playing on a different level.

Crabtree could be the X factor. Best ball player in college football.

Hoping for another great big 12 game nonetheless!
I DOUBT Tech can run the table if they beat UT, Penn State pretty much have locked up a undeafeated season with their win over Ohio State, which means they will be in the "BCS"game. If UT loses, OU will probably run the table and play in the "BCS" if they win the Big 12 title game. If they stumble, USC will probably play Penn State because they also have a weak schedule the rest of the way and NO conference championship game, like Penn State.

If "BCS" cant get over their greed and adopt a play-off system (like ANY OTHER NORMAL League), then they should AT LEAST make every conference play a Title game. Conferences that dont have a free pass to the "BCS" game.
I gotta go with the alma mater in Tech. But why is everybody forgetting that alabama, and "The Saban" are still kicking hard. I wouldn't doubt seein Alabama against Penn State in the title game.
I would say that any one loss Big 12 team deserves the title game over Penn State, if that's what it comes down to. Alabama, while they don't have as tough a schedule as the Big 12, has proved themselves if end up undefeated. They still have an LSU game coming up I believe, so they've still got some ground to cover.

OU is almost entirely dependent on Tech beating UT this week. UT should almost be able to coast into the Big 12 title game if they win this week.
lbk419":2sfpkw5t said:
I would say that any one loss Big 12 team deserves the title game over Penn State, if that's what it comes down to. Alabama, while they don't have as tough a schedule as the Big 12, has proved themselves if end up undefeated. They still have an LSU game coming up I believe, so they've still got some ground to cover.

OU is almost entirely dependent on Tech beating UT this week. UT should almost be able to coast into the Big 12 title game if they win this week.

You are absolutely correct that any 1 loss Big 12 team is much more deserving than Penn State, but the fact is that the Big 10 is the BCS's favorite conference and no matter how many times the Big 10 champ gets their tail kicked in the championship game, they'll continue to send the Big 10 there.
MattC":3e6vmje8 said:
I actually heard a guy in College Station this weekend say he hated Tech so much that if the "terrorists" had a college football team and they played Tech...he'd root for the terrorists. I know that doesnt really have anything to do with this weekend, I just thought it was funny.

Im looking forward to a good game but Texas looked impressive against a superb OSU team. Tech might have a little more lead in their britches this year but they havent seen a defensive front 7 like this yet. Quan, Shipley and Colt are playing on a different level.

Crabtree could be the X factor. Best ball player in college football.

Hoping for another great big 12 game nonetheless!

Texas A&M is just mad becasue they got beat by tech agian! That is a pretty stupid comment they made lol
I honestly think that the game will come down to a big defensive stop or turnover. There will be some huge plays in the game get your VCRs/DVRs etc... set up. This should be fun. My wife and I were on the phone talking about the game last night (see Baby Reagan post in 6-man talk to understand the context). It's possible that I would need to go get her and Reagan this weekend. She had already talked to friends about coming and getting her so I could go to the game with my oldest two. When I told her I wouldn't expect that she said she couldn't imagine me missing one the biggest games I would ever see. If I don't go my sister who got us the tickets could sell my ticket and pay for the trip. I heard they were going for $300-$500 dollars. Anybody heard what the going rate is now? By the way my wife is as awesome as she sounds.
Personally, I think tht any team that loses to anyone outside of the top 25 should be banned from a bcs game. Example: USC!

As for the UT vs. TECH game....I'm going with my alma mater also. If Tech plays offense like they did saturday then UT has their hands full. After making that same commnt, a buddy of mine stated, "How is Tech goin to stop Mcoy?" I don't think it will come down to that. UT must stop the Red Raider offense! Period! Bottom line! Our defense has proven they can play as they have the second half against the faggies and the second and third quarters against Kansas. They just have to play a full 4 quarters this game. Wreck'em TECH!

UT 35
I'll reverse the score of the 2003 game! :D :wink:

MattC":3ijo9j0v said:
I actually heard a guy in College Station this weekend say he hated Tech so much that if the "terrorists" had a college football team and they played Tech...he'd root for the terrorists. I know that doesnt really have anything to do with this weekend, I just thought it was funny.

The Ags just don't like goal post shoved up their butts after being beaten! :lol: Trust me, the sentiment is the same coming from our side! We just could care less now that they are terrible and no way put up a contest anymore! :lol: Oh well, it was fun while it lasted! :(
Roy Miller UT defensive lineman was asked how you prepare for a team that dropped 63 pts on Kansas. His reply "well we're not Kansas".

45-41 Texas

This score was arrived at scientifically by halving the the difference twice between UT's last two winning scores. I then added ten points due to Roy Williams catch on Sunday followed by his flashing the hook em' horns sign. I took the winning score from Tech's game and using the BCS computer rankings determined that UT's defense was 32 points better than Kansas. I added 17 points since the game was in Lubbock and then subtracted 7 points due to the fact that my kids would be at the game. By the way read the way the computer rankings work and this makes almost as much sense.
Lots of folks predicting high scores, and thus defenses that are not quite as top notch as the offenses.

I think it could fairly well be agreed on that the 2 offenses for this game are not really expected to make the difference. You've got UT's defense that has had very strong showings, but may be worn down. While Tech's defense has had some poor showings at time, but could be peaking at just the right time for this game.

To add to this thread, what primary factor will make the difference in this game?
Mustang76 said:
I honestly think that the game will come down to a big defensive stop or turnover. quote]

As I said before. Also, I'm not sure the defenses are not top notch I just think that the offenses are that good.
I'll agree with you there, but with turnovers being the real key. Granted, a crucial stop at the right time is just as big, but I think these offenses are so volatile that they won't need much time to put points up. A few interceptions or fumbles by one team though and the game could be out of reach very quickly.
I think it will come down to who can run the football with more success and who can get more pressure on the QB. Tech will have to be able to run against Texas, they won't be able to line up and throw every down and win. Let's not forget that Texas is battle tested and tons more big game experience than Tech. Besides beating a turnover happy Kansas squad who has Tech played. Texas by 10.
Now there's the voice of reason. I would probably be in the same boat as you Assassin if I wasn't a Tech fan.

But since I've relegated myself to follow the Red Raiders, I'll say I think they'll pull it out by a touchdown or less. And if Harrell throws a couple of interceptions, then all bets are off.