I understand how these ranking systems work for the most part, and you are obviously working out a few kinks here and there, but when the system you have spit out the rankings the last two weeks you had to know they weren't even close, and there were some things that needed to be evaluated and plugged back in to maybe be finally be somewhat accurate in the third or fourth week. But to those who don't understand the concept of how a ranking system works and don't take into consideration past weeks match ups and spreads and the week before that and so forth, and think since their home team who has 45ed three teams in a row that have all been 45ed by every team they have played should be ranked Nmbr 1!! Your system will have no credibility with those people for sure even if it is perfected and picks every spread and every winner and state champion from next week til 2020, maybe u shoulda waited until it put out some rankings that were in the ball park before posting them, thus saving a little credibility from atleast a few much less the vast mojority.