Tioga Forfeits at Half Because of Bad Officiating???

Can GRANGER the GURU put an end to this thread lol... seriously we have a post that asks for prayers for a coach and it gets a few hundred looks and 4 replies, then you've got 7 pages and thousands of views of this negative club of insecure people. Yes I've looked but how can you not. I wish people would care about what's important just my thoughts
Superjrj":lv95rufa said:
So you are saying that he did not violate the coaches code of conduct by removing his team from a contest? I find that hard to believe that the UIL PERMITS THIS. You can get ready for several more of theses to occur if that's what the UIL permits whom did you get the email from and do you have it to share by posting online for everyone to see

Im not saying anything. That is a direct response from the UIL and that is the full email. If you read my notes about week 6 I explained it pretty well there, but will go back over it here for you.

I emailed the UIL a list of questions about the game and explained it the best I could with the info I had. They didnt respond, so I called them and I was patched through to Kate Hector their media coordinator, I talked with her, sent her the same email and what I posted above is her direct response to it. When talking with her I specifically mentioned the code of conduct part many have been talking about.

You can call the UIL and check all this out if you want yourself.

Again I am just passing on what I was told.
tdog5344":2qsifit0 said:
Can GRANGER the GURU put an end to this thread lol... seriously we have a post that asks for prayers for a coach and it gets a few hundred looks and 4 replies, then you've got 7 pages and thousands of views of this negative club of insecure people. Yes I've looked but how can you not. I wish people would care about what's important just my thoughts

Thought police much? Certainly glad I'm not forced to live life on your terms. What is so offensive about this thread that you need to beg Granger to delete it?
CleverUsername1":351fw2k1 said:
How did this asinine thread get 83 responses? Tioga forfeited. Who cares move on, teams forfeit all the time for different reasons.
wait, urs was 85 posts!! Makes mine 86!! But who's counting
Several things here:

Until we hear something, we can all speculate until the cows come home and that's just fine.

I honestly believe that unless the DEC takes this up (and I can see reasons to both do this and not do this), nothing is going to happen. The reason being that they were playing a private school. Had this been a public v public, I am guessing the other school would immediate call the DEC and file a report with the UIL.

There's a lot to peel back on this onion.

How about this, IF the officiating was so atrocious, what will be the TASO response to this? Has Tioga reported their story (I assume so) and does it somewhat match what THESA says? If so, we have a situation where officials should be suspended. In the very least, when something like this happens, I would expect/hope/dream TASO would investigate.

also, Superjrj's team never loses. trust me.
I talked on phone yesterday with Mr. Mark Cousins and his words were we are "aware of this and there has been talk in the office but it was still under investigation". So what you read on here about a final decision is incorrect.
Superjrj":qvozvq2t said:
I talked on phone yesterday with Mr. Mark Cousins and his words were we are "aware of this and there has been talk in the office but it was still under investigation". So what you read on here about a final decision is incorrect.

For the love of everything that is holy, why is this still an issue for you Superjrj? I mean seriously, how does this circumstance impact your freaking life? It's done and over with. I'm sorry if you, your team, fans, community and whoever else was wronged at one time by Tioga, but MOVE ON!!!!!
Coach if I may interject here. Superjrj although rampant at times makes valid points as to the adherence to rules and regulations. I'm sure that if a team you played violated a rule wouldn't you want in the fairness to all the athletes in sports an answer. From what I see it's a DEC QUESTION to answer. So it's evident that he holds a grudge somewhere maybe with Tioga but maybe just in fairness to adherence to rules by which all are supposed to play
jrj1146":2slk72ro said:
Coach if I may interject here. Superjrj although rampant at times makes valid points as to the adherence to rules and regulations. I'm sure that if a team you played violated a rule wouldn't you want in the fairness to all the athletes in sports an answer. From what I see it's a DEC QUESTION to answer. So it's evident that he holds a grudge somewhere maybe with Tioga but maybe just in fairness to adherence to rules by which all are supposed to play

I'm not saying that. I'm saying its time to move on and quit beating a dead horse. Secondly, this issue isn't going to get resolved on a message board because nobody on here has that authority. Lastly, if I did have a team do that, the last thing I would do is come on a message board. Unless Superjrj is a part of the THESA admin or coaching staff, this isn't his concern.
This is my last post on this subject...I have now contacted the UIL TWICE on this and contrary to what Superjrj thinks or rather what he took away from his call to the UIL, nothing has changed since yesterday morning when I reported the matter was closed as far as the UIL is concerned.

I dont like to keep posting on this topic but I felt like the correct information needed to be reiterated
To all the folks crying to have this lock d or deleted: what is forcing you to click on the topic? Or even worse, what compels you to participate in this thread? Regardless of your eveidently overly sensitive sensibilities, this is kind of a big story and deserves the discussion it is getting.
Yes Rainjax you have your preferences as do we so the same goes to ya... and don't worry we need no moral compass as we are who we are just as you...
tdog5344":2w0pjymw said:
Yes Rainjax you have your preferences as do we so the same goes to ya... and don't worry we need no moral compass as we are who we are just as you...

Common sense requires no moral compass.