But... Milford will go play basketball and be pretty darn good. And go to track and be pretty darn good.
Then they will go into off season, and get ready for football season. This upcoming senior class is 37-5 so far in their career. They’ve played in all the huge games, RS twice, GC twice, Jonesboro 3 times, Strawn twice, played coach Hayes twice (Crowell, And Coolidge), They played McLean, and they were 31 points away from bringing a championship back to Milford.
The Seniors for next year will be, Ricky Pendleton, Jaylon Davis, Damyan Woodward, Tyvon Gates and JaSean Brooks.
All extremely talented all played a ton of the state game and are definitely ready to step up and lead the team.
Next season the bulldogs of Milford will still be a powerhouse.