Texas Tech

WOW oujohnny, you told me what i stated at the beginning of this subject,

way to be on top of things!

lol yeah if we played Hawaii it would be like a sixman game, i would predict Tech to win, 247-246 in double over time
I think it does matter if you actually attended a school. If you went to say North Texas and are a huge UT fan, it seems like less than genuine. I went to TTU, but I didn't play a down for them. Can I still be a fan? Lamest point, ever. I am fully aware of Tech's history and their probable future of mediocrity, but they are my team because I went there. It's easy to choose to root for the team with the most money (UT, Yankees, Red Sox, Cowboys, etc.) and the best chances of winning, but it is kinda like pulling for the house in black jack. And there is no real pay off when things actually do turn around.
I see supporting your school, but every since I was a kid I supported UT.. Yeah they do have the most money, but I just feel like they symbolize Texas football being the longhorns and all, I love Mack Brown as well. Just like the cowboys, I can never be a texans fan because this is the cowboys state.. I hate the yankees, rangers fan.
DiStUrBeD_oNe":3dn2sce3 said:
I graduated from Hardin-Simmons.

Does that disqualify me from talking about Texas A&M, Texas Tech, or UT?

It doesn't matter where anyone graduated from or if they didn't graduate at all. We're all fans of our favorite teams and we'll all share our opinions. The fact that you attend(ed) Texas Tech doesn't make your opinion any more valid than mine.

I root for the Dallas Cowboys on Sundays. However, I don't live in Dallas and never played a down with the team. Can I still be a fan, please?

this is great. i don't think anyone here and say if you can be a fan of the dallas cowboys. you will have to ask jerry jones.
DiStUrBeD_oNe":3vgen81i said:
I went to TTU, but I didn't play a down for them. Can I still be a fan? Lamest point, ever.

Ahh...not fluent in sarcasm, eh?

I'll remember that.

Thanks for your contribution to this thread.

I was in fact well aware of the sarcasm, and in return I made an equally ridiculous statement with equally as much sarcasm. I do think attending a particular university gives a certain genuiness and credibility to your loyalty.
I took an online course from UNLV, can I be a fan of theirs?

BTW, I thought RDDDS was the red headed step child.
I was in fact well aware of the sarcasm, and in return I made an equally ridiculous statement with equally as much sarcasm.

Oh, my bad.

I like what you did there, copying what I said but replacing "Dallas Cowboys" with "TTU".

Very nice.

It seems that reading comprehension isn't your forte, so I'll spell it out for you. Things have to be taken in context and every word has to be read. You asked if you could be a fan if you hadn't played for Dallas or lived there. I asked if I could be a fan of TTU if I did go to school there but didn't play, in the middle of a paragraph saying that t-shirt fans aren't genuine. The point of the statement was to point out, with sarcasm, that I did not believe that playing for a team was a necessary requirement for being a fan, as you implied. That coupled with the fact that the Dallas Cowboys are not associated with anything (i.e. a school) other than football lead me to claim that was the worst argument ever, sarcastic or otherwise.

Now, it is perfectly ok to be a fan of a school if you didn't go there. Where it begins to be a problem is when t-shirt fans of schools like UT or OU start to talk down to alumni of schools that don't have the sort of success that the big money programs do. When someone chooses to root for a school because it is the chic thing to do, it seems disingenuous at best.
skuzzbukit":1sq95vqb said:
Now, it is perfectly ok to be a fan of a school if you didn't go there. Where it begins to be a problem is when t-shirt fans of schools like UT or OU start to talk down to alumni of schools that don't have the sort of success that the big money programs do. When someone chooses to root for a school because it is the chic thing to do, it seems disingenuous at best.

This, my friends, is a very accurate assessment of many people out there.
so do yall "alumni" carry a card that let's t-shirt fans know you are "alumni" of a certain school so they can't talk trash on your team? what about the pros? how do you become an "alumnus" of a pro team?

i have t-shirts of texas, gonzaga, vermont, winthrop, princeton, utep, north texas, smu, oregon, southern illinois, and soon to have an appalachian state shirt to name a few. do i need to get rid of the shirts and not root for them b/c i never attended any of them?

sports illustrated took a poll several years ago on just this topic. the question was asked, "Was the university/college you attended your favorite school?" 67% said no. i'm glad those of you that did, were able to go to your favorite school. not everyone is fortunate enough to get to for many different reasons. i wasn't able to.

i do agree that some of the worst fans out there are fans who did NOT go to that school.
My last post seemed a little elitist, and I didn't mean it that way so let me clarify.

Don't think you are hot poop because you picked the team with the most money and they win, like they are supposed to. Texas will always have a stronger long term program than TTU, UNT, UH, UTEP, atm, etc. because they have more money. Same goes for OU. Sure, the other teams will have better stretches but its just like a casino. The house always wins. Should I go talk trash people who are losing at the blackjack tables because I decided to root for the Bellagio?
I tell you what really pisses me off.......when you go to a Texas Rangers vs Yankees game and 3/4 of the people are wearing a Jeter jersey! Went last summer and had to put up with fellow Texans talking trash because I was wearing a Texas hat in the midst of pinstriped jerseys! Isn't that ironic?

By the way Texas won that game and I did see two pretty good fights in the parking lot! :wink:

That is why I stick to my team good or bad! How many OU jerseys or Texas jerseys do you see out there? It always pisses me off when these people start talkin noise after their team beats my team. Most of them don't even know who the coaches are, they just want to act as though they are associated with a winning team. I guess when I made the statement about actually going to a school I was a little off.....I guess what I really meant was that if you are going to be a fan then do your research and find out a little more about that team rather than jumping on the bandwagon and wearing the T-shirt!
hogcaller10":139zjc3u said:
I tell you what really pisses me off.......when you go to a Texas Rangers vs Yankees game and 3/4 of the people are wearing a Jeter jersey! Went last summer and had to put up with fellow Texans talking trash because I was wearing a Texas hat in the midst of pinstriped jerseys! Isn't that ironic?

i hate that. i am a rangers fan too and hate going to those games against the yankees. it is like a home game for the yankees in texas. but i think that happens everywhere.
skuzzbukit":175mgpny said:
Don't think you are hot poop because you picked the team with the most money and they win, like they are supposed to.

i have been a texas fan since i was 4 years old. the first game i ever remember seeing was a texas game. my dad is a fan, granddad. i guess it just rubbed off on me. i don't like them because they have money. i like them because their texas. doesn't matter if they got 13-0 or 0-13. i'm a fan.