Texas Tech @ Oklohoma

Well within your rights... but dont lump all us Texas fans into one area.... I love the horns.... However, my ideal scenario would be for Tech to win out... (Hell, I root for atm against ANY mobilehoma school) and then for FSU to beat Florida.... and then for Florida to beat Alabama making it nearly impossible for the powers that be to make a case that anyone other than Texas & tech should be in the nat champ game.

However... I never have nor ever will root for an oklahoma school to beat any school from the great state of Texas... This year is no different. I am not so sure it is good for Texas to have BLou to beat Tech..... It could very possibly mean that they jump Texas... and to have boomer back door their way into a nat champ game would be way worse than Tech vs some SEC school, imho....
But back to the topic of program vs team... team is this year.... which no doubt tech has an absolute case for being one of the elite teams this year..... But as far as programs, they are making strides, but I am not sure as a program they have reached that elite level just yet. Once again... just my opinion, one I share with quite a few others outside the city limits of Lubbock.
oopty-oop":3m1fqa7q said:
Well within your rights... but dont lump all us Texas fans into one area.... I love the horns.... However, my ideal scenario would be for Tech to win out... (Hell, I root for atm against ANY mobilehoma school) and then for FSU to beat Florida.... and then for Florida to beat Alabama making it nearly impossible for the powers that be to make a case that anyone other than Texas & tech should be in the nat champ game.

However... I never have nor ever will root for an oklahoma school to beat any school from the great state of Texas... This year is no different. I am not so sure it is good for Texas to have BLou to beat Tech..... It could very possibly mean that they jump Texas... and to have boomer back door their way into a nat champ game would be way worse than Tech vs some SEC school, imho....

AMEN! :D I'm with you on the part about OU! I hate OU with a passion! I just hope my boys pull it off for the good of all humanity! Don't think I could stomach the thought of OU in contention again! I gotta go.....already getting sick just thinking about it........
Raptor":1t6ofxig said:
Last year when USF had climbed to #2 in the BCS, we didn't hear anyone talking about the power of the program even though they had accomlished exactly what Texas Tech has accomplished so far this season.

Yeah because the Big East schedule that USF faced last year is completely comparable to the Big 12 schedule that Tech has faced this year. :shock:

You are right, however, Tech has a few more years to go before it can be called a top 5 program. Now if we're talking top 5 program in the Big 12, then they already qualify.
What are their records since the hiring of Leach? HMMMM?

Red Raiders under Leach:

2000 - 7-6
2001 - 7-5
2002 - 9-5
2003 - 8-5
2004 - 8-4
2005 - 9-3
2006 - 8-5
2007 - 9-4
2008 - ?

Win percentage = 66% (Better, but not elite)

Bowl Record: 5-3 (Again...good, but not great.)

Now, for this year TT has 2 heisman candidates?

Heisman candidates aren't special. Lots of guys get invited to New York every year. That doesn't make your program elite.

Chance at a big 12 championship and national championship

There are lots of teams with real shots of winning their Conference and/or National Championship. Win one and we'll talk. Hell, win the south division and we'll talk.

offensive numbers that are yet to be broken

Really? That's it? Navy leads the nation in rushing every season. So, there.

Also, I'm guessing you are a UT fan, just a hunch.

Wrong. Does it matter which team I like? I'm an SEC guy. My family is from Athens, GA, if that helps.

BTW, my team is actually considered elite.

That's what years of winning and multiple Conference and National Championships get you.
oopty-oop":26jlh8md said:
Well within your rights... but dont lump all us Texas fans into one area.... I love the horns.... However, my ideal scenario would be for Tech to win out... (Hell, I root for atm against ANY mobilehoma school) and then for FSU to beat Florida.... and then for Florida to beat Alabama making it nearly impossible for the powers that be to make a case that anyone other than Texas & tech should be in the nat champ game.
As much as I wish that it could happen, in that case USC would jump everyone and play Tech in the NC. Sucks I know, but the pollsters won't let a rematch happen.
Yeah because the Big East schedule that USF faced last year is completely comparable to the Big 12 schedule that Tech has faced this year.

USF's schedule was tough last year. They played Auburn, West Virginia, Rutgers, Louisville, Pittsburgh, Cincinnatti and Conneticut. While this schedule isn't as tough at the top as Tech's, it was definitely tough.

FWIW, USF's strength of schedule last year was #30. Texas Tech this year? #64. Eastern Washington, SMU, and UMASS are bringing them down.

Now if we're talking top 5 program in the Big 12, then they already qualify.

No, they don't.

I can name five better BIG XII football programs right now.

Texas A&M

In all honesty, if we crunched the numbers Tech would probably come in at #11.
Raptor":1qi7lnmq said:
Yeah because the Big East schedule that USF faced last year is completely comparable to the Big 12 schedule that Tech has faced this year.

USF's schedule was tough last year. They played Auburn, West Virginia, Rutgers, Louisville, Pittsburgh, Cincinnatti and Conneticut. While this schedule isn't as tough at the top as Tech's, it was definitely tough.

FWIW, USF's strength of schedule last year was #30. Texas Tech this year? #64. Eastern Washington, SMU, and UMASS are bringing them down.

Now if we're talking top 5 program in the Big 12, then they already qualify.

No, they don't.

I can name five better BIG XII football programs right now.

Texas A&M

In all honesty, if we crunched the numbers Tech would probably come in at #11.

Lol since Leach has been at Tech which has been quite a few years, they have had better records than any team on that list outside OU and UT. You're smoking crack if you think Nebraska and Colorado are up there with them, they can't continue to lean on their laurels because their last 5 years have been worthless. Tech drops a few games a year to people they shouldn't but they are still top five in the Big 12.
You are right, however, Tech has a few more years to go before it can be called a top 5 program. Now if we're talking top 5 program in the Big 12, then they already qualify.[/quote]

Wrong about being a top 5 Big 12 program also - I will agree they are on the rise.

Here they are in order: (during Leach's tenure)
Then: KU, Mizzou, Tech, Colorado, A&M, Nebraska, Ok State (all in no particular order - PROGRAM)
11)Iowa State

Heck, I'm a Colorado fan who really couldn't care one way or another about Tech, but you're not an elite "program" because your fans are excited when you've reached #2 in the nation for the first time in your history. Yes, you are on the rise, but your team has a gimmick offense which woefully inflates your offensive numbers (i.e.: Houston Cougars, late 1980's). Name one former Tech QB starting in the NFL - none, the system doesn't translate (ask Andre Ware how that worked out for him). You're probably not an elite "program" if you can't consistently pull in blue chip recruits, ala UT, OU, FLA, ALA, USC, ND....and on and on and on.

The best player your program has sent to the pros is probably Welker - at least the highest profile one. (and every Tech back who plays against the Broncos in the NFL - see Timmy Smith for the Redskins in the SuperBowl 20 years ago, or what's his name with New England several Monday nights ago).

Heck, Colorado is a better "PROGRAM" in the Big 12 than Tech based on BCS appearances and Big 12 Championship Game appearances (including one Big 12 title) during Leach's tenure at Tech. Heck, Tech hasn't beat Colorado the past 2 years, when Tech's program became "dominant", as you say.

Again, I have no problem with Tech, but at least WIN SOMETHING before talking big about your PROGRAM - by your logic, Mizzou is an elite "PROGRAM" - and Pinkel was on the verge of being canned just 2 or 3 years ago.

I'm a HUGE CU fan, and realize that while we've had a Big 12 Championship, several Big 12 title game appearances, and a National Championship within the last 17 years, we're not a top 25 "PROGRAM" - we're inconsistent (both in wins, and recruiting), have limited facilities, and a somewhat indifferent fan base, but we've proven over time that we're a better all-time "PROGRAM" than Tech is. And don't give me this Big 12 South vs. Big 12 North nonsense - early in the history of the conference Nebraska & K-State were dominant - those things go in cycles.

Here are the best "PROGRAMS" in the Big XII since it's inception:

1) UT
2) OU
3) Neb
4) tie - A&M / K-State / Colorado
7) Mizzou
8 ) OK State
9) Tech
10) KU
11) Iowa State
12) Baylor

Lol since Leach has been at Tech which has been quite a few years, they have had better records than any team on that list outside OU and UT. You're smoking crack if you think Nebraska and Colorado are up there with them, they can't continue to lean on their laurels because their last 5 years have been worthless. Tech drops a few games a year to people they shouldn't but they are still top five in the Big 12.[/quote]

Yeah, Colorado would have ALOT better record over the past 5 years if it had the same diet of non-conference cupcakes that Tech chomps on --- go to the pantry and get yourself another twinkie.

Hey BackAgain:
You've beat 2 solid teams - Tech wins the Big 12, and I'll put "Wreck 'em Tech" as my signature for a year - if they don't, your signature will be "I have no idea what a football PROGRAM is" as your signature - got a deal?
j_bird_s":3lov598q said:
Yeah, Colorado would have ALOT better record over the past 5 years if it had the same diet of non-conference cupcakes that Tech chomps on --- go to the pantry and get yourself another twinkie.

Well, we could argue about this endlessly, but I have to say that if Tech had played in the Big 12 North since Leach started they would have already gone to a few Big 12 championship games. Nebraska continues to struggle in their rebuilding, and while I wish it weren't the case, Colorado is having trouble remembering where the end zone is in the Dan Hawkins era.

Tech's lack of success in the Big 12 comes down to 2 factors: Texas and Oklahoma. I'm regretting the entire top 5 program comment a good bit now, as I really didn't mean it, because I don't think that's what it can be called. If Tech wins the Big 12 this year and remains a top national competitor for a few years, then they can take that distinction. They are only a top 5 team right now. However, I think that if we look 3-5 years back, they have looked a lot better than the struggling programs at CU, Nebraska, K St., A&M. They're not clearly ahead of Kansas, Missouri, or OK St., so maybe those 3 and Tech are a 4 way tie for 3rd in terms of best programs over the past 5 years.

And if we're talking long term legacies, then we may need to get someone other than me to come in to talk about how good Sooners were in the 70s.
For the record, I am very impressed with Tech this year (esp. their O-line & their defense). They do have a legit shot at winning the Big 12, and new blood is never a bad thing.

I remember watching alot of Tech fans leaving Jones Stadium early last year though - Hawkin's team seemed to find the end zone just fine (as they did the year before at Boulder).

These things are cyclical - again, just save the gloating for when you've accomplished something besides being ranked #2 - although that is a ranking that Tech has rightfully earned this season.
j_bird_s":2qce06qv said:
For the record, I am very impressed with Tech this year (esp. their O-line & their defense). They do have a legit shot at winning the Big 12, and new blood is never a bad thing.

I remember watching a lot of Tech fans leaving Jones Stadium early last year though - Hawkins' team seemed to find the end zone just fine (as they did the year before at Boulder).

These things are cyclical - again, just save the gloating for when you've accomplished something besides being ranked #2 - although that is a ranking that Tech has rightfully earned this season.

Well, I most definitely will acknowledge that somehow Hawkins has had Tech's number in their 2 meetings. I was in Boulder 2 years ago when CU got their first win of the year against Tech after an 0-6 start. I still don't know what they found that day, but they had Tech turning on each other. Tech fans screaming at Harrell and calling him horrible names. It was typical Tech, love them when they're winning and hate them when they lose.

I really don't mean to get down on the Buffs. I'm still a Hawkins fan, but he's taking a lot of heat, largely undeservedly, because injuries just killed them this year. If your son is going to play for you, you'd better win the title, because anything less and you'll get criticized for it. When they beat OU last year, it was one of the best games I've ever seen, but unfortunately it wasn't the turning point folks were hoping for. Unfortunately coaches only get a couple of years to turn things around, no matter what they start with (Prince at K St. is an unfortunate example of the impatience that rules the NCAA these days).
j_bird_s":1n8aazfz said:
Yeah, Colorado would have ALOT better record over the past 5 years if it had the same diet of non-conference cupcakes that Tech chomps on --- go to the pantry and get yourself another twinkie.?

Lol, who exactly does Colorado play IN conference? Oh yeah, a mediocre (at best) Nebraska team, a Kansas team that Tech dropped 63 on, and a Kansas St. team that's worthless. TTU would've been to atleast a few Big 12 championship games.

j_bird_s":1n8aazfz said:
Hey BackAgain:
You've beat 2 solid teams - Tech wins the Big 12, and I'll put "Wreck 'em Tech" as my signature for a year - if they don't, your signature will be "I have no idea what a football PROGRAM is" as your signature - got a deal?

Let's be serious, I'm a complete realist. OU at Norman isn't a feat to be trifled with, I know we can win, but I also know we could've won the last 3 times we've played there and yet we didn't. I'm not putting anything on this. OU under Stoops is definitely an elite team and they will play like it on Saturday.
If Tech beats OU, and UT wins out, they are 2nd in the south, because they have the head-to-head win against OU, and probably go to a BCS bowl game.
BackAgain":2hikjtrh said:
j_bird_s":2hikjtrh said:
Yeah, Colorado would have ALOT better record over the past 5 years if it had the same diet of non-conference cupcakes that Tech chomps on --- go to the pantry and get yourself another twinkie.?

Lol, who exactly does Colorado play IN conference? Oh yeah, a mediocre (at best) Nebraska team, a Kansas team that Tech dropped 63 on, and a Kansas St. team that's worthless. TTU would've been to atleast a few Big 12 championship games.

j_bird_s":2hikjtrh said:
Hey BackAgain:
You've beat 2 solid teams - Tech wins the Big 12, and I'll put "Wreck 'em Tech" as my signature for a year - if they don't, your signature will be "I have no idea what a football PROGRAM is" as your signature - got a deal?

Let's be serious, I'm a complete realist. OU at Norman isn't a feat to be trifled with, I know we can win, but I also know we could've won the last 3 times we've played there and yet we didn't. I'm not putting anything on this. OU under Stoops is definitely an elite team and they will play like it on Saturday.

you're sure you have an elite program? what a t-shirt fan - put your signature where your mouth is...that's what I thought. And when, when would TTU be in the Big 12 Championship game if they played in the North? What years? Last year when Mizzou beat Tech 41-10? Don't get on here and pump your chest about your "program" - all you can tell for sure right now is that you MIGHT have captured lightning in a bottle THIS SEASON. At least lbk419 acknowledges it's too early to pump the chest about your program...next thing you'll say is that Tech is a better program than Miami U or Notre Dame.

Elite programs don't talk about "could've won" the last 3 times in Norman, they find a way to get it done.