Texas Tech @ Oklohoma

lbk419":1zmod6ua said:
I am afraid you might be right on this. Crab has given everything to this team every game he has played in, but with his persistent injuries, and some near misses on getting hurt worse (horse collar tackle against OU, I think), I think his sights are increasingly shifted to his pro career.

Honestly, as much as I would love to see him come back next year, I would tell him to go if I met him. He can't get much bigger in the pro scouts eyes and he's looking at a top 10 pick this year. Add to that how many chances there are to be permanently injured in the college game, and it makes much more sense to go now then risk it next year.
also add the fact that the next NFL labor agreement will most likely include a tiered system which gets rookie contracts in line. where an untested rookie won't make more in his rookie season before he ever does anything, than a proven veteran in the prime of his career.

there should be alot of early entries in the 09 draft - the last chance at cashing in big as an unproven commodity. Crabtree, McCoy - all of them would be crazy not to enter early this upcoming draft.

the politics involving settling the Big 12 south representative is crazy and sad. play 12 games, then leave it in the hands of voters who have their own agendas - i know it won't happen, but we need a playoff. I personally prefer the old 3-way tiebreaker of the Big 8 - the team who went the longest w/o representing the conference in the Orange Bowl was sent on to Miami. If that were still the case, Tech would be going to K.C.

If you want a good indication of why Leach's offense would struggle at a Big 12 North team - refer to the Mizzou-Kansas game yesterday - hard to fling the ball everywhere when the weather isn't cooperating.

(not a "t-shirt" fan of Tech - I just hate the politics)
Raptor":2zfpemz1 said:
You just refered to me as some guy the went to a cooking school. Youve got absolutley no idea what the CIA is considered. You make a snap judgement based off the name of the school rather than understanding the substance.

Culinary --- of, pertaining to, or used in cooking or the kitchen.

You went to cooking school. I didn't insult you. I stated a fact.

However, you were right that I had no idea what the CIA was all about, so I went to the CIA website. They had some nifty ideas for Thanksgiving leftovers, so thanks for that. It's something my wife would probably be more interested in, but interesting nonetheless.

Texas Tech is a leader in many areas, they do things neither of the other two do.

Ofcourse they do. I'd never argue this.

Bias and opinion do not add up to facts.

I'm not really sure what you're talking about here. Are you saying that I'm biased and it is just my opinion that Texas Tech is academically inferior to UT and A&M? It's a fact. Who are you kidding?

Fact - Texas Tech < UT < Rice < Harvard

The Culinary Institute of America is what Harvard is to law School.

According to whom?

You call me out for saying that Texas Tech is not on the same level as UT and A&M and then turn around and say that your alma mater is on par with Harvard. When I do it, I'm being biased. When you do it, you're being honest. Nice double standard.

Ignorance is bliss, and you sir must live in one blissfully wonderful place to spout the garbage you spout.

What did I say that was ignorant? Did it upset you that much that I said "cooking" instead of "culinary"? You do realize that they're synonyms, right?

Thicken that skin a little bit, Nancy.

Since we are on the topic or which school offers the best education, I thought this might be appropriate......I think we all know what school this guy attended! :lol: Top of the line school! Yes sir! :lol:

http://www.bobanddan.com/contact/jamaal ... erview.mp3