Tech vs. Missouri

J.O. Alert!!!!

Oh, my bad I forgot that the other large, ELITE colleges don't play a lackluster pre conference schedule! My bad! Are you kidding me? Every large team plays a bunch of peons for pre conference, not just Tech! How bout OU and Tulsa or North Texas? Or maybe Texas and Arkansas St and Central Florida? ATM and Louisiana Monroe and Montana St. That was a bad argument on your part! You're gonna have to do better than that if you talk about weak pre-conference schedules! Everybody does it! They may have one firecracker game but the rest should be pushovers!

I guess you should quit worrying bout Tech and focus on your Buffaloes! You really have no business talking bout Tech if you are a real fan of WT! Is Spike your brother or something? He was a decent Coach but was getting old and needed to retire! It happens!

Do I need to compile a list of D II teams that the ELITE play?

Like I said, the season ain't over yet!

When it's done, then you can talk Buffalo Boy!
How bout OU and Tulsa or North Texas?

In the past couple of years, OU has played Miami, UCLA (twice), Oregon (twice), TCU (twice), and Washington.

Or maybe Texas and Arkansas St and Central Florida?

In the same couple of years, Texas played Arkansas (twice), Ohio State (twice), and TCU.

ATM and Louisiana Monroe and Montana St.

Texas A&M played Pittsburgh (twice), Virginia Tech (twice), Utah (twice), Clemson (twice), Miami, and Notre Dame.

That was a bad argument on your part!

Are you sure?
Just like a Tech fan... This is not personal .... Not a bad argument just an observation. This is not to talk about what other schools do - we are talking about the Texas Yeck schedule. They are not forced to schedule who they schedule. They do have a choice. Choose to be elite or choose to be also ran. Also ran does not get them the respect you so dearly covet.

The established powers can afford to schedule like this. If your trying to break into the big time in the BCS you are going to have to bring it and do it in a big convincing way. But dollars rule. Bowl appearances no matter what level matter. Your multi million dollar a year salary matter. How manhy D II schools on the Raiders BB schedule ? How many weak sisters ? Uh oh - I feel a sex discrimination suit looming somewhere. But I drift.

The season is over - just mark it down. Two more wins at most - Baylor at Waco, not good for the Raiders. An away game against a supposed patsy.... Texas at Austin, please. Oklahoma anywhere, please.

Hey markf - has 123Ranger grown up and now become a Tech fan ?

About focusing on the Buffs - just a fan and ex asst of the now head coach. And how do you get not being able to express and an opinion on Tech if I am a Buff fan ?

Spike was getting old and needed to retire ? Really, what age is that retirement based on... what subjective judgements did you make to come to that conclusion ? And what is that thing that "happens"? Hall of fame coach just loses at it a certain age ? Really ... Them thar blinders are looking more and more like a reality.

Yes you may make that list - then list what difference it makes in the reality of Texas Tech football and their program. Good luck.

Buffalo Boy - I like that. May have to add that to the justobserving monaker so "jo" can rise from obscurity on this forum.

Like "I" said - it's over, mark it down..... Buffalo Boy also known as justobserving also know on the redraider forums as beenwatchinthisforyears.

This is a really big Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!!

Hey there Bearkat ...

DiStUrBeD_oNe - never confuse a good or bad ( all in how you perceive it ) argument with facts. I have learned this lesson over the years on this forum. Sometime facts just make no difference.
Some of those teams weren't even thought about as being any good! Miami has sucked the past couple of years. Pitt, are you serious? Notre Dame is aweful!

Plus, aren't we talking about this year? The only teams I listed were from this year! It is obvious that all teams play a bunch of crappy teams in pre-conference....just face it! :wink:
And, Buffalo Boy, I believe it was you who took it upon yourself to make opinionative statements about TT first!

Season ain't over yet buddy! When Tech does win one of the unexpected then expect to get a big Wreck'em from me!

Go to the other forum if you want to talk about basketball! This is football talk!

I'll back my team you back yours!

Maybe you should start a thread about Wet Texas and how they sucked it up til the last couple of years! Maybe that will be a little reality check for ya.....oh wait, nobody really cares about how well they are doing! Don't respond to that one cuz as soon as you write "nobody cares about Tech" I will respond with "it appears you do"!

Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz Again...

Build yourself up by trying to bring everyone else down to your level. Even if you succeed you're still at the same low level you were. Need a better argument than that.

Even if some of the teams you list are in down years, they are still considered as power programs and were scheduled in advance before they have slipped into their temporary down times.

That said, it would nice if Tech had an up time to look back or up to instead of not having one at all. Miami, Pitt, and Notre Dame have history and accomplishments Tech can only dream of. Get a little more real.....

Markf - I'll take mine with no butter and salt. Got any Country Time mixed up ?
hogcaller10":1hc7tkmn said:
And, Buffalo Boy, I believe it was you who took it upon yourself to make opinionative statements about TT first!

Season ain't over yet buddy! When Tech does win one of the unexpected then expect to get a big Wreck'em from me!

Go to the other forum if you want to talk about basketball! This is football talk!

I'll back my team you back yours!

Maybe you should start a thread about Wet Texas and how they sucked it up til the last couple of years! Maybe that will be a little reality check for ya.....oh wait, nobody really cares about how well they are doing! Don't respond to that one cuz as soon as you write "nobody cares about Tech" I will respond with "it appears you do"!


I think I have already acknowledged that WT has had lean years (don't use the more vulgar terms - so lean may not have had enough punch for you)

I really haven't expressed a whole lot of opinion. More just pointing out the reality and history. Are you a Democrat ? They can rationalize and twist anything into what they want.

Plenty of people care about Tech. That is the sad part of their situation. Tech has a large and ardent following, that is disappointed year in and year out. And I realize that fewer people care about what WT does. I didn't really care about it all that much until Coach Carthel arrived on the scene.

Then again you are comparing a multi million dollar progam with D II. Reality check again. And again you seem to be making this thing personal. I wish Tech all the best. It just "ain't gonna" happen.

Oh and there you go again trying to build Tech up by tearing down and belittling WT's accomplishments. Shame Shame Shame. Another school that just does not measure down to Tech's status.....
I believe it is you who started trash talking about Tech, fact or fiction! Why can't I talk about your college, fact or fiction? Same senario! Watch everybody! He'll get the last word! :lol:
Will not get the last word. Maybe words.

My OPINION is Tech is not an "A" level Div I football school.

Their schedule is not my opinion.

Their ranking and performance in Div I is not an opinion.

History dictates my predictions for the remainder of the season and is not an opinion.

Pointing out facts and reality is not trash talking - maybe that IS an opinion.

Please support your Raiders. They need it.

Oh almost forgot - go Buffs.
justobserving":33azp5jx said:
Spike was getting old and needed to retire ? Really, what age is that retirement based on... what subjective judgements did you make to come to that conclusion ? And what is that thing that "happens"? Hall of fame coach just loses at it a certain age ? Really ... Them thar blinders are looking more and more like a reality.

I will say that the football program is better off now than with Spike. Don't get me wrong, I liked him a lot, but we're not dropping games to North Texas anymore.

To be a Tech fan is to live a life of frustration year after year.
hogcaller10":nhr8v5ab said:
Season ain't over yet buddy! When Tech does win one of the unexpected then expect to get a big Wreck'em from me!

isn't this the typical tech fan? all you live for is "1" big win a year. and if that happens we know we won't hear the end of it and will have to listen to tech fans for a whole year. 8-4 with a win over UT, TAMU, OU is a great year in raiderland.
Red_Devil_DDS - everyone needs to check out the amount of money and resources that have been poured into the football program since Spike left.

More money, more coaches, wider range recruiting supported by the school, much better facilities. Makes those wins come easier.

Also I don't think "retire" is quite the correct descriptive term for the end of Spike's coaching tenure at Tech.

There were Yogi-izms, Bum-izms, and Spike-izms. I miss those, can you tell me what we get now from the current leader? Excus-izms and reason-izms I guess.

On to 8-4 ....

Oh yea .... Go Buffs ______ Good luck to the Raiders .... again
Since we are talking about the past.......I looked up Tech's records against other big 12 opponents. They have an all time winning record against everybody except Texas 14-41, Oklahoma 3-11, Missouri 2-4, and ATM 32-33! The ATM stat will change a lot over the next few years because they just can't beat us! The other three are VERY good teams and we are supposed to be beaten by them. Notice that all these teams are from the south excet one! Tells me that the south is very strong and it is worth bragging about if you can beat any of these teams. The only one's that are dominating are Texas and OU, which I stated earlier in another thread that they were the dominant teams! So I guess we are a little better that your opinion of one tenth of a team. AND it puts us in a little better company than Iowa State and Baylor! I am saying that we do deserve a little more respect than you give us!

Get off the Spike Dykes thing....getting a little old! I was at college for two years during his tenure! It took him forever to figure out that Rob Peters sucked and to finally put in Kingsbury! And what happened then? Oh yeah, we started winning....Kliff saved his last season as a coach!
I just can't seem to get past how you as a Tech fan openly accept the fact that Texas, Missouri and Oklahoma are supposed to beat you. That is some attitude. Satisfied that you are going to get beat and then on the flip side want this recognition for being an elite team in the Big 12.

Second - Third - and Fourth place are places but they are not #1. When Tech wins their 4 or 5th conference title then we can talk about their place in the league. More wins in the conference...geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzz another stat that leads to "0" in the big picture.

Don't you just love those Spike haters......

And I have already acknowledged the fact that Tech is better year in and year than Baylor or Iowa State. But if you want to still keep comparing yourself to the lower end of the scale to look better, that is your privilege.

Surely with a college education you understand sarcasim and overstatement. Get over the ".1" thing. Just used to get your attention.

There is that vulgar term again. Do you mean that you think Mr. Peters was inadaquet as the quarterback of the Raiders or he was just a bad person? Being a little more punctilious might be a help in expressing your point of view and opinion.