Calvert vs Milford


11-man fan
Please be advised that this is a long post. Congratulations to Calvert and Milford on a great basketball game. The fall of Calvert ISD. I spoke to several fans from Calvert last night, because I was curious about fan, and town support. One fan was extremely positive that change was coming to the District based off the fact that the community raised questions about the current administration. Superintendent of eight years resigned effective this summer. Again these are the opinions of two individuals. One guy stated that the Superintendent has destroyed the district by hiring in his words soft and weak coaches. He explained that student athletes have been allowed to threaten staff on Thursdays and play on Friday, threaten other coaches and play on Fridays. Bully and hit younger students and still play on Fridays. These fans responded that the town support has dropped considerably over the last four years. One fan stated that they hope the board cleans house. Stating that all coaches should be fired. One other guy made mention that the present coaching staff can't drive buses because there not certified. They also spoke in length about the concern of student athletes lack of respect for fans. I asked these questions because I witnessed one guy parade up and down the Calvert stands cussing, and yelling. He appeared to be in his late teens. I don't know if there was a another Coach or administrator present, but nobody asked this guy to calm down. There were several adults in purple shirts. One fan stated that the problems exist throughout the entire athletic program. Girls basketball unable to finish the season based off teenage pregnancy. I have attended my fair share of Calvert games, mainly football. What I witnessed last night was a district and town reaching out for help. I asked both guys what the district could do to bring back fan support, and they called one name, but responded that those days are long gone. I end with this, one guy stated that he believed the district will close in the next five years. He didn't have time to go in detail because the 2nd half was under way.