Tech vs. Baylor


Six-man fan
(Couldn't bring myself to title the thread with the Oklahoma match-up, and this was the only alternative)

Win the game and you're either locking up a 3 way tie (with OU win), or giving yourself a chance to win the Big 12 south (in the event of OU loss).

Lose and hand the Big 12 South title to the Horns.

This week, oddly enough, is yet another chance for Tech to prove they are not the typical Tech team. Typical Tech has a good year and then totally tanks when it really counts. This year has largely been different, and in spite of last week's mauling, it is one of the best in Tech history. Also, for a program that has never won the Big 12 South, a 3-way tie for 1st is a start, and maybe the foothold the program needed. Hopefully they can play someone respectable in a bowl so the season isn't totally lost.