Taking the traffic off “When will we have football?”

FCSA football

Six-man fan
There have been several requests and comments about numerous discussions on the thread as to “when will we have football?”.
These requests ask that some of us move the other discussions to another thread, so here goes. Tebow, Topher, FCSA and others can move our rather weighty political, dysfunctional societal comments, Trump Love/HATE relationships and others over here.
Ok, someone start the show !
Do you see the big cities on TV? Those aren't Kabul or Kandahar but rather Los Angeles, New York, Minneapolis, Washington D.C., Seattle, Atlanta, and countless others. How am I "fear mongering" when it is the truth? Trump didn't ask them to or make them violently protest! In fact, I think he's the only thing stopping them in big cities with liberal mayors and governors. What are you even talking about?

As far as the protests, I think police trainings should evolve. We, however, must have police or risk the Dark Ages we live in now becoming a reality. All lives matters including black lives, but Black Lives Matter, the proper noun, is causing a lot of problems. In the same way terrorist groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda don't represent the majority of Muslims, and I don't believe a majority of African-Americans believe the hateful ideology of Black Lives Matter.

As far as who we need, I don't think this is a left or right issue. I think is a law and order versus anarchy. I think President Cruz, President Rubio, President Carson, President McConnell, or President McCarthy would do the same thing. That's really my whole point: I don't think you should vote for Trump because he's so great, I think you should vote for him because the other party is insane.
“As far as the protests, I think police trainings should evolve. ......... “

I agree wholeheartedly......... Police need much more range time...........
smokeyjoe53":e8m570dt said:
“As far as the protests, I think police trainings should evolve. ......... “

I agree wholeheartedly......... Police need much more range time...........
Hey you have some of that down home Texas mentality going on there Smokey. A few trained or even untrained K-9s would be a good addition too. Keep those protestors on their toes...
Hey Longhorn, a career (20 years +) prosecutor in Harris County was fired for something she said INSIDE HER OWN HOME! What she said was not especially controversial or provoking but the ELECTED DISTRICT ATTORNEY made her “resign” stating that “ She, the assistant DA, had No Expectation of Right to Privacy OR Free speech, even in her own home”.
Welcome to AMERIKA.
By the time all these PC knuckleheads figure out what they have Really Done, THEY WILL BE THE ONES LOCKED UP !
Hey Longhorn, a career (20 years +) prosecutor in Harris County was fired for something she said INSIDE HER OWN HOME! What she said was not especially controversial or provoking but the ELECTED DISTRICT ATTORNEY made her “resign” stating that “ She, the assistant DA, had No Expectation of Right to Privacy OR Free speech, even in her own home”.
Welcome to AMERIKA.
By the time all these PC knuckleheads figure out what they have Really Done, THEY WILL BE THE ONES LOCKED UP !
Texlonghorn75":33pgwkdz said:
smokeyjoe53":33pgwkdz said:
“As far as the protests, I think police trainings should evolve. ......... “

I agree wholeheartedly......... Police need much more range time...........
Hey you have some of that down home Texas mentality going on there Smokey. A few trained or even untrained K-9s would be a good addition too. Keep those protestors on their toes...

Shoot, I’ve got a one-eyed, three-legged cur that could handle most of them..........if she couldn’t I’d just sic the blue tick on them.........
I remember back in 1972 during basic training we spent one day in Riot Control Training. I remember the Drill Sargent demonstrating the use of the Baton. His basic instructions (at the time) were that as National Guard Troops we were not allowed to strike anyone in the head. Then he pointed to just about every place on the body the if hit correctly would break a bone. I think we need more of that type training and more use of the training and put a stop to this crap.
FCSA football":6scf4jsz said:
Hey Longhorn, a career (20 years +) prosecutor in Harris County was fired for something she said INSIDE HER OWN HOME! What she said was not especially controversial or provoking but the ELECTED DISTRICT ATTORNEY made her “resign” stating that “ She, the assistant DA, had No Expectation of Right to Privacy OR Free speech, even in her own home”.
Welcome to AMERIKA.
By the time all these PC knuckleheads figure out what they have Really Done, THEY WILL BE THE ONES LOCKED UP !

That's a pretty funny story. This is as insane if not more: https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watc ... inted-guns
Same kind of a deal. An elected politician jumps on the Bandwagon of persecution to appease the political winds of the day. Social media mobs!
Please search the Goya Foods persecution by leftists, Democrats, celebrities etc. simply because the CEO HAS praised Trump and all he has done for minorities.
Then go to your grocery store and stock up on Goya products.
Subscribe to their web site for great recipes and enjoy them while snubbing your nose at the court jesters and fools that claim to be the leaders of “cancel culture”.
Trump wore a mask today while visiting a military hospital... during the worse pandemic since just after WW1. Why didn't he do this from the beginning? His example and leadership could have saved many lives because many of his supporters would have followed suit. Isn't that the leadership that the common man deserves? ... or is wearing a mask crushing freedom? Instead cases keep rising, Texas had, once again, over 10,000 cases today.
Maybe this "doctor" should contact the doctors on "The Resident" or "The Good Doctor". If they can't help the check himself into Chicago Med. I think someone in those three hospitals that can help him.
topher800":2484u0rm said:
Trump wore a mask today while visiting a military hospital... during the worse pandemic since just after WW1. Why didn't he do this from the beginning? His example and leadership could have saved many lives because many of his supporters would have followed suit. Isn't that the leadership that the common man deserves? ... or is wearing a mask crushing freedom? Instead cases keep rising, Texas had, once again, over 10,000 cases today.

Hmmm...not wearing a mask in public because Trump, the President of the United States, has access to the best healthcare in the world or not enforcing simply criminal laws? While I can see why you think Trump should have worn a mask, it pales in comparison to Leftist Mayors deciding to selectively enforce the law.

Topher, you aren't wrong but man you need to work on your priorities. In the past, I rarely argued with people because it really depends on what information you decided to believe. The stuff on TV is crazy, though, and people need to speak out against it. I also NEVER harp on religion, but I think it describes perfectly what I am trying to say: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." Matthew 7:3-5

Trump not wearing a mask = speck in brother's eye
Craziness in the cities = plank in your eye
Reading both the lunatic left and reprehensible right media websites, there is a divide larger than the Grand Canyon right now in the greatest country in the world. Y'all can say that defunding the police in Oregon or Washington or Minnesota are the absolute priority right now but that is just outright trying to find a distraction to the real problem. Getting the pandemic under control. Almost 65,000 new cases yesterday in the US with no signs of stopping... over 500 people lost their lives in the last 7 days in Texas alone.

So as you said
Small protests in loonie left states - speck in your brother's eye
65,000+ covid-19 cases yesterday alone = plank in your eye
I know what we can all do........ move to the utopia of health care that is Canada......... they can fix everyone up post-haste. It is well known that the world flocks to Canada to cure all their societal and health concerns..........
“Eat 2 plates of poutaine, drink a beer and call me in the morning”