RIP Farrah


Six-man fan
They pull that stunt in todays world,someone in the attendece would shoot those boys

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I watched the special on Farrah tonight and it was tough. My mother has cancer and is not going to be with us much longer. Seeing all that Farrah went through and her strength made me very sad when she died. She felt that the USA was way behind on cancer care......that there are treatments used in other countries that are not allowed to be used her that are a lot better. I believe they could fix cancer if they really tried......just not enough backing, to much money to be made off of cancer.

I cannot believe all the celeberties (sp) that have passed on. It blows my mind. I have something in comman with the ones that have passed on because of heart problems. Kind of scares me but I know whose in control, the Lord. I thought Billy Mays had died from a head injury but no another heart attack victim. I'm on vacation in Houston and enjoying every minute. We passed Abbott and Calvert TX. I got excited seeing some of the towns that we play. Houston is a monster town its so big.