Biggest Surprise So Far?

Like all you great fans I'm partial to my own. But I gotta say Rankin is looking good and getting better. Those Devils have been knocking on the door for years. The program is good but with a great addition of Coach Kieth, these Devils are prime to make another run at the Playoffs. A few weeks from now Buena Vista and Rankin will battle. That will be a great game! Yes there's still a lot of football to be played and can't wait to watch em. Fight em fair boys!
Love it! Posted to Bulletin Board...thanks! lol
Like all you great fans I'm partial to my own. But I gotta say Rankin is looking good and getting better. Those Devils have been knocking on the door for years. The program is good but with a great addition of Coach Kieth, these Devils are prime to make another run at the Playoffs. A few weeks from now Buena Vista and Rankin will battle. That will be a great game! Yes there's still a lot of football to be played and can't wait to watch em. Fight em fair boys!
One week from today Rankin will play Water Valley that too will be a battle.
Biased but I agree with some other posters that Miami's coaches have changed things up and found the right kids for the right spots. Surprise, unless they run into Jayton, I do think Miami could have a good run.