He would have had a ring if there'd been instant replay. Can't remember the year - but it was very late in a particular AFC championship game and Houston had a an obvious TD catch ruled incomplete - I believe it was to Mike Renfro.

I hate Pittsburgh to this day.

RIP Bum.
A friend was telling about the time she met Bum. She was working the concession stand at horse judging contest he had provided the horses for. Bum came up and paid for his burger with a $100 bill. She told him she didn't have the cash to make change for it yet, but she would find him in a little bit to get him his change. There were several kids in line and he told her he was just going to buy their supper too.

A bit later, she went an found him with the change left over from his an the kid's meals. He looked at her when she handed him the change and said, "Why don't you just go back and buy them kids a candy bar too?"
Read this "Bumisim" in another article. When asked about Earl Campbell not being able to finish a mile run "When it's 1st and a mile I won't give it to him".
Love Ya Blue.