Dec 8, 2012 #123 R ryry Six-man fan If Strawn doesn't step it up in the second half, this is going to get ugly real quick. The one announcer is very loud lol
If Strawn doesn't step it up in the second half, this is going to get ugly real quick. The one announcer is very loud lol
Dec 8, 2012 #127 K Knowmystuff 11-man fan Man...we get think RS is it doesn't have to be said a million times..............
Man...we get think RS is it doesn't have to be said a million times..............
Dec 8, 2012 #132 B BerettaBoy 11-man fan Strawn converts. They get to the 22. And then they score. 82-44 with Xp to come. nope. no good. 82-44. 3:35 left.
Strawn converts. They get to the 22. And then they score. 82-44 with Xp to come. nope. no good. 82-44. 3:35 left.
Dec 8, 2012 #134 T twodollarbill 11-man fan Great game by a good team & a GREAT team. Good Luck at State Coyotes & represent the East well.