Richland Springs VS Calvert Rematch......Thoughts

I heard that Jarrell was about 1/4 the price...

come on down to the Round Rock outlets pre game folks, then up for the game.... just sayin'
Both teams return most of last years' players. Which team has matured and improved more? I guess we will see...but I don't think the Coyotes will blow a 3 touchdown lead with just over a quarter to last year....
After all of the run we are getting, I just hope all of the fields are fine. The Jarrell field was a mess. Why not turf like Zephyr?
Sorry, didn't mean to insult you. Although I've found most of your 795 posts insightful, they really don't make you smarter than the next guy and a 10 yr old is old enough to call 'em as he sees 'em. I guess you've seen Calvert play on numerous occasions this year?
This year only once. Listened to last years Calvert and RS game. Have seen Calvert play a number of times in the last several years. Calvert used to play in Hico on opening Saturday. I would catch them there and then catch them at least once in the playoffs. I was at San Angelo sitting among the Calvert fans when they won their state title. Which, by the way, had a huge momentum shift in the second half that led to the largest come back in a state game.
I hope Calvert wins,Seen Calvert play twice and I was not impressed. RS plays such a weak scheduled it is hard to tell how good they are. If mistakes are the key then RS wins. Calvert wins if they control the mistakes. Neither has chance against Throckmorton.