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Clear as mud , right? ;-)
OBK most of the pigs I've been catching are of the smaller variety 25-30 lbs. good for grilling, just skin split and throw on the fire.
I have grown weary of fresh pork......... The supply is inexhaustible........
smokeyjoe53":33y1e6k9 said:
OBK most of the pigs I've been catching are of the smaller variety 25-30 lbs. good for grilling, just skin split and throw on the fire.
I have grown weary of fresh pork......... The supply is inexhaustible........

I'll take everything you don't want. Wild baby hog is almost as good as cabrito.
I'd love to be able to supply everybody with pork but I fear the shipping costs would be prohibitive.
You Panhandle boys just be patient....... You'll have more hogs than you'll want in a year or 2.
I'm catching these less than 30 yards from my front door. DSW has declared war. The porkers were rooting up her flowers.
smokeyjoe53":2d4we6ne said:
I'd love to be able to supply everybody with pork but I fear the shipping costs would be prohibitive.
You Panhandle boys just be patient....... You'll have more hogs than you'll want in a year or 2.
I'm catching these less than 30 yards from my front door. DSW has declared war. The porkers were rooting up her flowers.

We've had them up here for 15-20 years now. It looks like a steam shovel has been up the rows when they hit a fresh planted cotton field.
smokeyjoe53":17jfdie4 said:
I'd love to be able to supply everybody with pork but I fear the shipping costs would be prohibitive.
You Panhandle boys just be patient....... You'll have more hogs than you'll want in a year or 2.
I'm catching these less than 30 yards from my front door. DSW has declared war. The porkers were rooting up her flowers.

Feral hogs have all but killed our peanut crop. They have even taken to rooting up cotton. They have been here as long as they have been in the Abilene area.
Dogface2":3bz2xuyp said:
CowboyP":3bz2xuyp said:
oldfat&bald":3bz2xuyp said:
rainjacktx":3bz2xuyp said:
Dogface2":3bz2xuyp said:
I've never seen a hog while driving at night.

Evidently, Cowboy didn't see his either.

Not until it was way too late, anyhow.
He was fast!
I just hit a coon.
Have any of you eaten one of them?
Coon is too greasy. Goob cooked one the last time I visited him.
CowboyP":8zf27jau said:
Dogface2":8zf27jau said:
CowboyP":8zf27jau said:
oldfat&bald":8zf27jau said:
rainjacktx":8zf27jau said:
[Evidently, Cowboy didn't see his either.

Not until it was way too late, anyhow.
He was fast!
I just hit a coon.
Have any of you eaten one of them?
Coon is too greasy. Goob cooked one the last time I visited him.
Too greasy?
What's that mean.
Is there a greasy meter you use?
What makes em' greasy?
Doesn't fat make things more tender?
I don't know nuthin' bout food.
I go crazy for a cold weiner dropped on the ground.