Mr. Campbell and Mr. Granger do not agree !!


11-man fan
Mr. Campbell and Mr. Granger do not agree on their final regular season rankings ... What do you think ?

Mr. Granger's
Rank _ School ________ Record
1 Rankin ……………….. 8-2
2 Ira ……………………. 10-0
3 Water Valley ………… 10-0
4 Valley …………………. 9-1
5 Borden County …….... 9-1
6 Throckmorton ……….. 9-0
7 Petersburg …………… 9-1
8 Sands ………………… 8-2
9 Crowell ……………….. 8-2
10 Meadow ……………… 6-3

Mr. Campbells's
1 Throckmorton ……….. 9-0
2 Ira ……………………. 10-0
3 Borden County ……… 9-1
4 Turkey Valley ………… 9-1
5 Water Valley …………. 10-0
6 Rankin ………………… 8-2
7 Petersburg ……...……. 9-1
8 Sands …………………. 8-2
9 Oakwood …………….. 10-0
10 Zephyr ……….……… 10-0

Feel free to comment on any other ranking system we have going. I know of one other on the board.....
I think Campbell has Zephyr and Oakwood ranked way too high.

At this point, once you get to the top 5 or 6, I think the teams are interchangeable. I can't remember when there has been such a rotation in the top 5 from week to week.

All this ranking stuff has about another week left before it's all meaningless anyway.
Mr. Campbell's system seems to be more in line with the college poll system. They give more credit for win-loss records. You don't typically find 4-6 or 5-5 teams in the top 20 of those polls. We can all find fault with either poll but whether we agree or not with them, they are fun to discuss.
1.IRA 10-0
3.RANKIN 8-2
5.VALLEY 9-1
9.ZEPHYR 10-0
10. SANDS 8-2
I think we can agree the top-6 are the best six teams, just what order we put them in will differ....

I love the playoffs... unfortunately I won't get to see any games THIS week, but more on that later...
i think that if healthy the top 6-8 of the west would be tough for t-rock. in past the east has had this same kind of strength against the west. good luck to all and health for all the youngmen that strive to reach the goal