Great Job Abbott!

Yea great job managed to show how strong that defense was against lometa...100 points is an excellent job. I'm sure that the defense limited them to at least 400 or 500 yards of offense. Thats a magnificent job!!! Throckmorton is gonna be no match for that rabbit defense!!! Go get you sum Abbott!!! Greyhounds will send you home as roadkill.
david you are an awful hateful man. in the end it doesnt matter about stats. what it comes down to is who wins and who loses. abbott has just as much a chance to win as throck does.
Great job guys yea lometa might have put up 100 but y'all put up 118 and are still playing football more than 121 teams can say and in week 8 you only gave up 49 which was enough to beat whatever team y'all played and got y'all in the playoffs so don't listen to all these ppl putting you down just keep going out and doin what you love and us rabbit fans have your back no matter what
good comment david they dont stand a chance against Throckmorton they gonna get killed and raped but good luck anyway even tho there is no need the only way that they can beat Throck is if they have a HORRIBLE game and i just dont see that
hornet7-5":5gk8g2ga said:
good comment david they dont stand a chance against Throckmorton they gonna get killed and raped but good luck anyway even tho there is no need the only way that they can beat Throck is if they have a HORRIBLE game and i just dont see that

Abbott football players keep doing what you are doing because you guys are still in the playoffs while others are lacing those squeaky shoes up. Hornet7-5 why you hatin, is it because your sad because walnut is out of the playoffs? Dont make walnut look like some cocky, sore losing, punks because a couple players this year have already shown that.
"People will hate you, rate you, and break you. But how strong you stand is what makes you" Good luck Rabbits!