Gordon vs Benjamin

Gordon had too many speedy and quick weapons. Instead of 1 or 2 studs they had at least 5 or 6. Seeing the two teams play back to back theres no way Benjamin could hold Gordon back and Gordon would get the stops on defense. Benjamin would get some scores but not nearly enough. No offense to Benjamin, just facts. Id predict if they had played this year Gordon 90 Benjamin 45.
Gordon had too many speedy and quick weapons. Instead of 1 or 2 studs they had at least 5 or 6. Seeing the two teams play back to back theres no way Benjamin could hold Gordon back and Gordon would get the stops on defense. Benjamin would get some scores but not nearly enough. No offense to Benjamin, just facts. Id predict if they had played this year Gordon 90 Benjamin 45.
I agree. Let’s be honest. In my opinion when it comes to sixman, teams get the glory but teams generally (not 100%) don’t win championship. Usually the team with the best kid on the field wins the championship.
Example being Benjamin. Do they win without Rigdon? No. Then Oglesby wins, right? True, but they probably don’t win without their jersey #1. See my point.
Gordon is the exception. They had a great team with lots of team speed. Too much speed for best player on the field (Rigdon) to overcome. It would be a high scoring game but Gordon wins this match up rather easily.
The old saying “you can run but you’ll just die tired” comes to mind. Well, in this hypothetical match up Rigdon could run and run, cut and juke, but in the end Benjamin loses with a tired Rigdon.
I don't know who could objectively (not a Benjamin fan) say, after being there (if you went) and watching both championship games, that Gordon wouldn't beat Benjamin pretty handily. I won't add anything else because it's already been said.
I don't know who could objectively (not a Benjamin fan) say, after being there (if you went) and watching both championship games, that Gordon wouldn't beat Benjamin pretty handily. I won't add anything else because it's already been said.
Coming from the same guy who picked Jayton handily beating Benjamin 😂. Everyone wants to do it nobody can! “Who doesn’t love a good David V. Goliath story.”
Both teams are/were very good. Where ever Rigdon plays next season would be my pick to win the championship in that division. So assuming he's back at Benjamin (no reason to believe otherwise) I will be picking Benjamin and Gordon to repeat. As for this year, everyone gets to have their opinion. And that's all it is, an opinion. But in my opinion, I would pick Benjamin to win.
Coming from the same guy who picked Jayton handily beating Benjamin
I picked Jayton by 12, in a prediction. That isn't picking them to win handily, and up to that point, a lot of us hadn't seen what we thought would have been a tougher test. Kind of weird for you to be keeping tabs on people like that.
Well depending on how realignment pans out...this could absolutely happen!

It wouldn't even need to be at the Jayton Classic or an event like that.

They could meet halfway in Throckmorton and make this work.

C'mon Coach Reed and Coach Haynes if you're reading this 💪
I don't know, but I'd definitely pay to see it.
Find a good AI source, feed it every statistic, tangible and intangible, on both teams, and away we go. Mike: why don't you be the first site owner to set this up for your members? Copyright the procedure because you would be the first to do this in Six Man format. Hummm. For $25.00, a member could schedule an AI computer game between two1A teams, regardless of prior record. Just a thought.

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