Fajitapete's Top 30 D1 after 6 weeks of play

Goob":nz0xhqca said:
Well, thatz not too bad, but itz easy to default to bathroom humor. I mean, if I done say, "turd" thare will be people who giggle, thare will be people who iz offended, thare will be people who done scratch thare head cuz they iz alwayz a lil late to the game, but 83% of them will hear the word turd and done think of yew.

Way to dissect one sentence to death. Are you this myopic in real life, or is there just no brakes between your shriveled brain and your suasage-like fingers?
Well, it iz good to see that yew iz usin' that online dictionary. Them iz big words fer a small feller like yursef.
Originaly the 1st Universal Life Church (ULC). They ordained me for free on internet..... They will also make you saint, bishop or mother superior but you gotta give up fifty dollar to get the title. I began to think thay might be scamming so I soon splintered and started my own church (2nd ULC). They needed a leader so I had no choice but to make myself Pope. I know for a fact ole Fajita got ordained by em too.
I apologize for taking so long to respond to your brilliant post Rainboy. I had to check with my wife to see how I should respond.
She said that I should make nice, simple statements and try to get along with you. She said we should talk about our feelings and such.

Pee on that.

And on you Rainboy.

You are this nations best argument for legalized abortion. As soon as your momma realized what a walking, talking rectum you are, she should have choked you in your crib. And further more, you are a shame to your family and to decent people every where.

There will be great rejoicing in Silverton when your kid graduates and you move away. May I suggest you go to Aquilla and move in next door to HookemBabe?
Dear tinklepuss,

Yew ain't reely fourth quarter material, iz yew? Yew kinda peter out. I wud suggest more windsprints on Mondie, Tuesdie and Wednesdie, then yew will be ready.
Don't know... but if ol Don wants to be ordained I'll take care of it. Congregations kinda small and I've trying to grow it. Just me and the dawg right now and he's a little sacrilegious at times, next time he P's on the alter Imma gonna excommunicate em.
oldfat&bald":somoz7fc said:
I apologize for taking so long to respond to your brilliant post Rainboy. I had to check with my wife to see how I should respond.
She said that I should make nice, simple statements and try to get along with you. She said we should talk about our feelings and such.

Pee on that.

And on you Rainboy.

You are this nations best argument for legalized abortion. As soon as your momma realized what a walking, talking rectum you are, she should have choked you in your crib. And further more, you are a shame to your family and to decent people every where.

There will be great rejoicing in Silverton when your kid graduates and you move away. May I suggest you go to Aquilla and move in next door to HookemBabe?
That's not very nice. That would put him in the same town as Cowboy. Why would you wanna do that to C...... On second thought. That's a GREAT idea!!!
Dear tinklepuss,

I knowd it iz prolly time fer cheerleadin' practice and with yew bein' the sponsor and all yew iz busy, but dang it man, yew got git with the program if yew want to play.
Dear Yur Holiness,

I can done confer doctor's degrees on folks, iz yew interested? Yew cud be Yur Rite Holiness Dr. Burford, with all the rites and privileges.
oldfat&bald":3d3p8ibe said:
I apologize for taking so long to respond to your brilliant post Rainboy. I had to check with my wife to see how I should respond.
She said that I should make nice, simple statements and try to get along with you. She said we should talk about our feelings and such.

Pee on that.

And on you Rainboy.

You are this nations best argument for legalized abortion. As soon as your momma realized what a walking, talking rectum you are, she should have choked you in your crib. And further more, you are a shame to your family and to decent people every where.

There will be great rejoicing in Silverton when your kid graduates and you move away. May I suggest you go to Aquilla and move in next door to HookemBabe?
Ofb, I thought you were my friend. Why would you wish something like that on me?
I think hookembabe & rainjack both need to move in with you.