Fajitapete's Top 30 D1 after 6 weeks of play

With all due respect cowboy I know zephyr would beat abbot a game with aquilla would just come down to who wants it more and aquilla and zephyr could hang in there with throck because they both have dynamic offenses.
fajitapete":q54bmatm said:
oh my, I never realized you were the paragon of knowledge of all things 6-man why Granger and others even brother? we should sit back and listen to you pontificate on who should be ranked where because without a doubt day in and day out you know it all.

Please oh great and wise one, send me all the corrections so that from this day forward all my picks will 100% correct as with this great knowledge I can not miss.

I think I have a better grasp of where your original power rankings should have been than you, or your broken program seem to. That's been my complaint from the get go. You said at the beginning that your rankings would get more accurate around week 5. We're about to play our 7th game, and your rankings are still FUBAR.

Plus I'm sure those wrong picks you have made this year was simply an effort to remain humble.

You're ahead of me by one game. Patriot Paul is running away with it, and even he thinks your rankings are a joke. So don't just take my word for it.

I don't defend s**t, the numbers are what they are, when a team shows they can beat a better ranked team then the rankings will change, Look at Aquilla, in my rankings they moved up after they beat a team that was ranked ahead of them but until they played someone with greater ranking they couldn't move up or the premise of a system is null and void.

You say you're not defending your grossly errant starting points, then in the next sentence try to defend it. I know how the stupid thing is supposed to work. But if the program starts with bogus assumptions it will magnify those assumptions with each successive week.

Sometimes I wonder if you weren't ate up with the dumba** you could look at rankings with out your VALLEY IS THE BEST goggles and realize there might be better teams out there. Until Valley wins the championship or beats better teams I am happy where they are ranked. In fact I am happy with each and ever value associated with a team.

Never said there weren't better teams out there than Valley. But I know Crowell, GC, Abbott, Zephyr, Sands, and Ropes are not one of them. Valley has beaten better teams than Happy. They've beaten Crowell (ranked #14 on your joke) and covered the spread (which is your holy grail of criteria) against Throck. I think your Valley mistake just shines a glaring spotlight on the ignorance of your initial assumptions.

Because Grangers ratings or any other of the system might not agree with mine doesn't make them wrong, it only means the method of quantification of a team is different then mine. If there was a perfect system we wouldn't need to play all these game, we could just send the championship trophy to the respective school each year and spend our time doing something else.

not that care, I'm just saying

You just don't get it, do you? And you have the temerity to ask if I'm ate up? Your like the overprotective mother of a half-witted kid.
ZHSFAN2007":2vm3fpg3 said:
With all due respect cowboy I know zephyr would beat abbot a game with aquilla would just come down to who wants it more and aquilla and zephyr could hang in there with throck because they both have dynamic offenses.
With the improvements zephyr has made this year, you may be right. Time will tell.
(To the victor go the spoils)
Watch out people. We need to listen to all the Valley people. They seem to know all on 6man rankings.

I have an idea rainjack, you come up with your own rankings. See then if you can make flawless system.
jc_30":4ctqiiih said:
Watch out people. We need to listen to all the Valley people. They seem to know all on 6man rankings.

I have an idea rainjack, you come up with your own rankings. See then if you can make flawless system.

Pete is the one posting the results of his broken toy. Not me. If you don't like what I have to say about it - don't read it.

If you don't like hearing the truth about Valley - skip over most of my posts.

I know I have very little trouble skipping over yours.
rainjacktx":wgobpg97 said:
jc_30":wgobpg97 said:
Watch out people. We need to listen to all the Valley people. They seem to know all on 6man rankings.

I have an idea rainjack, you come up with your own rankings. See then if you can make flawless system.

Pete is the one posting the results of his broken toy. Not me. If you don't like what I have to say about it - don't read it.

If you don't like hearing the truth about Valley - skip over most of my posts.

I know I have very little trouble skipping over yours.
Not everyone can make themselves near impossible to ignore. It's just an irritating talent I have.
Sands 45 sterling city. Sterling city beats gc. Wv beats sands at wv with what I'm hearing now #25 was playing on a knee that he tore up in the sterling city game and you have gc at #6. Here is the rankings!!
Water valley
Borden county
Doesnt matter
Doesn't matter
And it doesn't matter
Here are only 2 games left in the season that matter.
Rankin@water valley
Sands@Borden county
These games will tell you a little more about the teams.
If water valley beats rankin I personally think they are the best team.
Don't they still play the games on Friday nights? Maybe that's the part everyone should focus on. Win a championship, and then tell the rankingsmiesters how dumb they are if your team is ranked 27th.

Also, as a proud West Texan, I'd like to apologize for the whining coming from Valley. Their idiocy in no way reflects the attitude of West Texas. It's my understanding they moved in a bunch of people in from Aquilla a few years ago.
oldfat&bald":2qqwl6d8 said:
Don't they still play the games on Friday nights? Maybe that's the part everyone should focus on. Win a championship, and then tell the rankingsmiesters how dumb they are if your team is ranked 27th.

Also, as a proud West Texan, I'd like to apologize for the whining coming from Valley. Their idiocy in no way reflects the attitude of West Texas. It's my understanding they moved in a bunch of people in from Aquilla a few years ago.

I prefer to tell them how dumb they are before hand. That way there is no confusing me with the bandwagon brigade.

LOL - you think you have what it takes to speak for the Panhandle? The same guy who cowers in fear of his wife joining the site? I'll just consider the cowardly source from which the girlish admonitions are flowing.
rainjacktx":oh0pqbz6 said:
LOL - you think you have what it takes to speak for the Panhandle? The same guy who cowers in fear of his wife joining the site? I'll just consider the cowardly source from which the girlish admonitions are flowing.

Rainboy, I had the courage to marry a smart, strong woman. I promise you, if I go to spouting the arrogant stupidity on here that you do, she will call me on it. It makes me a better man.

Judging from your rantings here, I feel we can ascertain that your wife is a woman with strength of character also. The Good Lord has also blessed her with patience that would make Job say, "Wow!" If she didn't have strength of character and such patience, she would have killed you a long time ago. I just wish she didn't have so much of it.

So, I guess we have something in common. We both married way above ourselves.
Dear sprinklepuss,

Yew knowd, thiz ain't my fight, but yew remind me of a crap-throwin' zoo monkey. It jest comes out yur hindend into yur hand and yew done fling it as far as it will go. And then yew jump up and down like yew done sumthin great.
Goob":1803ew7e said:
Dear sprinklepuss,

Yew knowd, thiz ain't my fight, but yew remind me of a crap-throwin' zoo monkey. It jest comes out yur hindend into yur hand and yew done fling it as far as it will go. And then yew jump up and down like yew done sumthin great.

You're confusing me with your mother again. I'm sure she's a fine lady. When does she get out of prison?
oldfat&bald":2f4vgwbe said:
Rainboy, I had the courage to marry a smart, strong woman. I promise you, if I go to spouting the arrogant stupidity on here that you do, she will call me on it. It makes me a better man.

Judging from your rantings here, I feel we can ascertain that your wife is a woman with strength of character also. The Good Lord has also blessed her with patience that would make Job say, "Wow!" If she didn't have strength of character and such patience, she would have killed you a long time ago. I just wish she didn't have so much of it.

So, I guess we have something in common. We both married way above ourselves.

I won't argue that I married way out of my league.

But arrogant stupidity? Is that what your wife calls the digital dysentery you post on here? I know you don't have the mental capacity to come up with that on your own, so you must be parroting someone.
And immediately, yew done go and prove my point. Talkin' bout sumbody's momma, yur pathetic. Yew better hope I don't tell her, she ain't above drivin' to the panhandle and whippin' yur sorry hindend.
Goob":3qn637va said:
And immediately, yew done go and prove my point. Talkin' bout sumbody's momma, yur pathetic. Yew better hope I don't tell her, she ain't above drivin' to the panhandle and whippin' yur sorry hindend.

Like I'm the first guy in the world to do "your momma" jokes. I think you're just jealous you didn't think of it first.

My "sorry hindend"? You jump into an argument that has absolutely nothing to do with you, start crying like a little girl because I said something you didn't like? And I'm the sorry one?


Send your mom up here. I'll probably be the first person she's ever met with all their teeth.