Comparing Strawn and RS.

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The really tall kid who had to wait a few games before he was determined eligible. Not sure his name but think it was #10, maybe Thigpen? I know it was an issue they dealt with because it was on Texas 6.
#10 had been here before. His family moved to work in the oilfield and then he came back. That I know for sure. Nothing shady on that one.
No need to hide behind a false name on the forum/sight if your here for good football knowledge and information unless someone is just wanting to slander people, teams, or kids out of hate or jealousy.
Kids do read these forums.
Coach Ashworth
Most likely neither. No for real I’m sure the kid works hard and Lee will find a spot for him. Especially if he gets a good spot for his boat and the best night crawlers
So everyone is saying he won’t stay in Strawn. But he’s not a good player so what’s the big deal? If his parents don’t work for a school, would be a hard move out of there.
Another topic that I feel like has gone well beyond what I'd consider necessary dialogue. Many posts in this topic have been reported and, because I don't want to spend hours on end editing/deleting more posts on the same old topics, I'm going to just shut this one down.

While I do appreciate everyone's being here and participating and supporting this site, beating this same old horse again and again really gets nothing positive accomplished. Surely there is something positive or at least something new we can talk about...
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