If the games follow Granger's spreads, how does this refect on the sport of six-man football?
Crowell favored over May by 42
Grandfalls-Royalty favored over Milford by 40
To me, as a fan of the game, it would be HIGHLY embarrassing to have either of these games end early on the biggest stage in the state (and I've got no dog in the fight). It seems like we have been seeing mercy rule state games more frequently since the divisional split. It would just seem to nullify the "respect" the sport has gained in allowing the games to be played at ATT. By the same token, if they games went into triple digits, I would have the same embarrassed feeling.
I truly hope that the games are good defensive battles and I hope that the sport is represented at its finest on Saturday. After seeing May and Milford last night, I think they both have it in them to make their games a battle.