Best team of all time


11-man fan
I got several questions for you 6-man experts who have been around the game for a while, here they are:
1. Most dominant team of all-time? (single season, not dynasty)
2. Best dynasty of all-time? ( example: late 80's early 90's Ft. Hancock, Richland Springs, the Ethridge years)
3. Best program of all-time? (basically, team with the most success since its inception)
I reserve the right to change my mind several times:

1. Tough...1. 1982 Highland, 2. 1985 Jayton, 3. 1989 Fort Hancock...I think breaking down the points scored, points allowed, 45 point wins and number of shutouts it would be 1989 Ft Hancock. Playoff dominance would be Highland or Jayton...all three would 45 a RS all-star team (how's that for a hot take)

2. Richland Springs-Burkhart Years (no debate)

3. Hardest Question! What is meant by inception (6man footballs inception in Texas, or inception of 6man football at the school)
Leman Saunders":kh5o4lam said:
I reserve the right to change my mind several times:

1. Tough...1. 1982 Highland, 2. 1985 Jayton, 3. 1989 Fort Hancock...I think breaking down the points scored, points allowed, 45 point wins and number of shutouts it would be 1989 Ft Hancock. Playoff dominance would be Highland or Jayton...all three would 45 a RS all-star team (how's that for a hot take)

2. Richland Springs-Burkhart Years (no debate)

3. Hardest Question! What is meant by inception (6man footballs inception in Texas, or inception of 6man football at the school)
I originally meant the inception of sixman at that particular school, but I think that since sixman's inception in Texas would probably make more sense since we're talking about "all time".
There has been many great teams. But it's been great caochs that's been the difference. Most coaches jump around looking for talent. What about the best coaches that stay good or bad talent and still win. Who was the best coach for the last 20 years?
Hill County":1z7rtkby said:
There has been many great teams. But it's been great caochs that's been the difference. Most coaches jump around looking for talent. What about the best coaches that stay good or bad talent and still win. Who was the best coach for the last 20 years?
Definitely, Jerry Burkhart, Vance Jones, THE JERRY MILLER,
Leman Saunders":2a420uti said:
I reserve the right to change my mind several times:

1. Tough...1. 1982 Highland, 2. 1985 Jayton, 3. 1989 Fort Hancock...I think breaking down the points scored, points allowed, 45 point wins and number of shutouts it would be 1989 Ft Hancock. Playoff dominance would be Highland or Jayton...all three would 45 a RS all-star team (how's that for a hot take)
2007 Rule Bobcats would have beaten all three of these teams. RS beat Rule by 44 in the State game.
#3. Since it's inception implies a schools whole history. Any given school may have multiple programs under multiple coaches over the years. Difficult to define.

#1. How do you define most dominant? Average margin of victory? Number of shutouts by 45 + ?
51eleven":uext9e9g said:
#3. Since it's inception implies a schools whole history. Any given school may have multiple programs under multiple coaches over the years. Difficult to define.

#1. How do you define most dominant? Average margin of victory? Number of shutouts by 45 + ?
#3. You're right my bad. That was a poor explanation on my part. What I meant basically was "team with most state championships and/or district championships and/or playoff appearances in sixman, time playing sixman being irrevelant?"

#1. This one is a little more subjective. A team could 45 all their opponents but could have played a soft schedule or played in an era where there may not have been as high of quality of football. I'd say use your gut feeling lol. So in a nutshell what team that you've seen that is most dominant of all time?
Gordon during the 90s. Not sure if I would call it a dynasty, but it was certainly the team to beat.

Nelson Campbell is, in my opinion, one of the greatest coaches in the realm of 6 man football. The greatest in my eyes. But, I speak from a position of ever so slight bias. I grew up with him as a role model of mine and still remember the track meets and football games with him as our headcoach. I think his record speaks for itself though.
It's impossible to say any one team and school has had the best team overall. Every year is a different tournament with somewhat different teams because of graduation or attrition. That being said, Fort Hancock and Richland Springs have had the longest runs of winning state since the time the state playoffs were began. Interesting observation of those two school's playoff runs show both schools playing in weak districts, regions and non-district schedules and having to only to win a few playoff games. Granted they won their respective playoffs but does that mean they were the best ever? Hardly. You can highlight the speedy shifty players like TE or Damien but McLean with a roster full of big dependable playmakers gets my vote for probably the best team of all time to date.
Trinidad with Damien Jackson would wipe out McLean. Just too much speed. Impossible to judge all time best teams. Different eras and two divisions has made it easier to dodge some of the good teams.
Trinidad with Damien Jackson would wipe out McLean. Just too much speed. Impossible to judge all time best teams. Different eras and two divisions has made it easier to dodge some of the good teams.
Damien was fast but McLean had a team of disciplined players who would minimize those long runs. McLean shut down Milford and Taron and would have done the same to Damien.
I always enjoy good fire pit topics like these and memory lanes and discussions that absolutely are nothing more than just one man's opinion.

1. Because sixman is a game where great players and teams with exceptional skill and talent can be more impactful than just a single season. The most dominant team ( This might cause some ruffled feathered) for me they have to be back to back state champions. It's just normally a maturity thing. Teams as juniors with a mix of seniors and sophomores usually break onto the scene and then their senior year it's just another level. As great as being a state Champion is and etching the school into history, being the best in a single season isn't enough to be a part of the conversation as the most dominate.

In 2012, I walked into Highland gymnasium and was confronted by the dad of one of the legendary 1982 Highland players who said for the first time he watched a team that could beat the 1982 Highland Hornets, with that conversation and reasoning, is why I'm removing them, Jayton and Ft Hancock.

Using my criteria (Caution...its biased)

2012 Throckmorton (This team and the 2014 Crowell team were clones, but Gary was a nice trump card)
2007 Richland Springs (RS Scrimmaged Throck in Throck after the 2007 season and they had no answer for Gary, different team yes, same scheme)
2014 Crowell
2011 Richland Springs (We won State this season and scrimmaged RS, they beat us something like 11 TDs to zero and I left hoping we would get just a first down the rest of the year)
2010 Garden City ( One of the most athletic teams I've ever coached was the 2010 Throck team and GC had size, speed, tools to run, throw, and catch and we were no match in that State Game)
2017 Borden County

Dewayne Miles was abnormal, and his stats and journey past HS speaks for itself.
TE, had the tools and threw a good football, (D Reeves was a good 2.0 version, but the passing of TE was the separation)
D Jackson was very much like Miles and his stats and journey past HS speaks for itself
Trey RIchey, HS, College, and Coaching speaks for itself
Gary Farquhar and Brandon Hoskins

For the longest time PC and Gordon were the standards of the best of all times and their records did speak for themselves. Gordon in the 70's with Nelson Campbell, the 80's with Clyde Parham and others, and the 90's with slew of players, the 2000's had its up and downs, but the ups more than the downs.

Nelson Campbell is the goat

One of my favorite TV interviews was the Nick Saban and BIll Belichick discussing that when they first got started and how they scouted and trimmed film and began their careers. They adapted and changed as the sport changed and got more complicated and have stood the test of time on the greatest stage of all times under the most pressure.

I feel if Nelson Campbell coached in the in 70's or 2024 he would continue to be the most dominating coach of all time.

Single State Champion winners, There's some really good conversations there too.

on to 202(4)
The Walker Tippy teams of RS were as great as any that ever suited up. 2015 and 2016 went undefeated. 2017 would have been the icing on the cake barring Walker’s injuries. The concussion in the opener against Happy caused them to fall a little short, even though the Cowboys came out strong that year. Then with the blown out knee (and non-contact at that) in the playoffs and Milford sent them to the house. Tippy should make any top five player list.