Best six-man game ever??

Yes you can - email me your info to "[email protected]" and I will make a copy for you and get it in the mail. I think I also have the 2003 State championship when he was coaching Fort Davis when they lost to Strawn - will have to check. Always good to have as many of those games around to watch even if your team didn't win.
No problem - will look for it. It may be Friday this next week before I can make copies due to work but I will get it to you. That goes for anyone else that may want a copy
As far as the 5th down call goes in the 96 State Championship Game between Whitharral and Gordon - Coach Gartrell said in an article that he looked back on the video and the initial call against the Gordon QB for being past the line of scrimmage was a blown call - that he was clearly behind the line of scrimmage. The enforcement of the penalty was blown as well, resulting in an extra down because the loss-of-down penalty was not given. I have the letter my dad was sent from the Referee's Association explaining the blown calls and apologizing for the errors that effected BOTH teams. Gordon should have been given the score, so even though the refs mistakenly forgot to give loss of down, it essentially would not have mattered had they not blown the call that gave the penalty in the first place. It was a great game & was glad I was there to see it.
51eleven":xf8livjd said:
One that I did not see that I've been told was a barn burner is the 1997 regional between Strawn and Trinidad.
T-dad won 94-80. I've read or been told it was the highest combined score in a playoff game up to that point.
This game was played in Joshua. My son and I were coming home from Glen Rose where Gordon had 45'd their opponent. Saw the stadium lights still on, pulled in, the game's still in progress, early 3rd so we stayed. Craziest back and forth football I've ever seen. 1 and 2 play touchdown drives with kicks returned for scores....just wild.
oneday":3cngvn4a said:
I can't make up my's almost a tie for me but I will say 1996 State game was the best:

Gordon wins on 5th down after a 2nd half come back to win state in 96...I was a freshman in High School and I attened the game with my football coach Duane Hyde (winner of 2 state titles as a player at Highland), our best player (and for my money the best running back in six-man in 1996) senior Nathan Hayes, Coach Hyde's father Thomas time start player for Divide and retired coach from Highland after winner several playoff games back before the State playoffs for six-man, and Coach Kerry Owens and Monte Richberg of Highland, both former teammates of Duane back at Highland high in the 80s. We sat on Gordon's side (home side) and watched Whitharral handle them in the first half, and then Gordon come back in the second half...they had a 5'3 defensive/offensive end (Jesus T...) that was all over the place in that game and he blocked a key punt and on offense caught a long TD pass in the 2nd half, both of which were key plays that are lost today when people talk about that game...because everyone remembers Gordon winning on 5th down, after the refs failed to give them a loss of down in their game winning drive in the final was a great game and I attened it with who I consider 5 six-man Hall of Famers...and the program was the best ever!

So 1996 State Game Gordon 51 Whitharral 50 is my pick
Was in Sweetwater (love Mustang Bowl stadium) for this game. The 3rd down penalty for illegal forward pass was referenced by the Whitharral coach as a bad call. He stated he wished the play had stood so his team would have one more chance to score as the 5th down play came with less than 10 seconds on the clock. I remember losing my mind on the 3rd down score, feeling totally dejected when it was called back then going completely bonkers after the 5th down score. Good Times!
Although it was not a playoff game. I believe one of the best games ever was Covington-Milford in 1996. Back and forth. Covington ends up winning by 2. Then lost to Trinidad a couple weeks later. Ranked #1 in the state all year and fail to make the playoffs due to a coin flip!
Owl, that certainly was a big game that year, I remember it well, and it was a shame that Covington didnt make it that year. We knew in Gordon all year that whoever we met from that district could make or break the run to the State Championship. That was quite a year in the East.