ya'll are baiting me aren't you. You sure you want to know ??
He is working his way to pastoring a church one day up in the wacky weed -puffin Colorado Mountains. He has a pretty little girlfriend who wants me to send them some more game film other than what is on youtube and this sight. But most of it is in storage until we find a home to buy. I have some DVDs but they are my last copies and cannot let them out of my hands. I suppose I will have to upload some onto Hudl then carve out the best plays for her to watch. All her interests for film started after I told them to hurry up get married and start making new Ethridges before I move on. She may be wondering what kind of babies she can expect. She is pretty tall herself.
I may need to tell her I do the same thing and have been insisting to Tyler for ten years, way back when he was a sophomore to marry himself a six foot Nubian woman, a Sheryl Swoopes type. Anything less would be JV.
He is working his way to pastoring a church one day up in the wacky weed -puffin Colorado Mountains. He has a pretty little girlfriend who wants me to send them some more game film other than what is on youtube and this sight. But most of it is in storage until we find a home to buy. I have some DVDs but they are my last copies and cannot let them out of my hands. I suppose I will have to upload some onto Hudl then carve out the best plays for her to watch. All her interests for film started after I told them to hurry up get married and start making new Ethridges before I move on. She may be wondering what kind of babies she can expect. She is pretty tall herself.
I may need to tell her I do the same thing and have been insisting to Tyler for ten years, way back when he was a sophomore to marry himself a six foot Nubian woman, a Sheryl Swoopes type. Anything less would be JV.