Best 6-Man Passers of all Time

NCAA calculator for QB rating is the one I think that should be used as UIL uses the NCAA rules.

I think Mitchell Parsley's 2014 QB Rating is 356.13

You probably already have this one but:

Bryson Oliver, Throckmorton, 2013 - 56-93-1184 yards, 23 TDs 1 INT
Azle Christian School
Joey Rosamond

2013 - 12 games -187 out of 285 66% 3330 yards 55 td 8 int
2014 - 11 games - 188 out of 277 67% 3105 yards 59 td 5 int
CHANT Chargers- 2014
Alic VIsage- (Junior)

Att Comp Yards Comp % Yds Per TD's INT Long QB Rating
104 177 1639 .588 15.8 25 4 71 119.8

May want to take a look at MaxPreps for a lot of the more recent stat info- entering stats into MaxPreps is an expectation for all of the TAIAO schools playing 6Man...

Hope this helps!
Dakota had three interceptions in 2013. You'll have to get Tyler's exact number of interceptions from Richland Springs, or one might find them in the San Angelo Newspaper archives which is where we reported all our statistics . They called the house every Saturday Tyler's junior and senior years. In fact it was a San Angelo reporter who realized he was approaching the state and national records in 2006 and 2007.

All I can tell you for sure is that his largest number of interceptions was thrown his senior year. I know because we spent a good amount of time preparing his passing game against teams like Northside, Eden, Calvert and Rule to prevent their great athletes from demolishing our air attack. With Northside and Eden especially, they had several players who had the uncanny ability to pick off passes and force you to modify and even discontinue throwing the ball. Agnew and White for NS were superb pass defenders in their 2-2-2, and Eden had a kid who played the deep ball much like Bryce Hogue from the 2005 and 2006 Throckmorton teams...sideline to sideline.

I thought I had Tyler convinced not to throw deep-middle against both teams, but his past success and Mark Williams' reception record pursuit was more temptation than he could bear and he threw two interceptions in each game. Besides those four he added two others, one versus Calvert and one against Happy, six total. I think his second highest int. tally was something like four or five. He probably threw seventeen or eighteen interceptions in four years.
Those were great teams.
White and Agnew from Northside were really good too.
Thanks for the information.
Are you confident that it was 6 INT his senior year?
We are still waiting on more stats to come in, and we need to validate some of these stats, but here are a few that we have thus far. We hope that by listing a few, that it will spawn more to turn in their stats (several of them we just lack interceptions). Two of these were just reported to us today. There have to be more top passers of all time out there just waiting to be reported.

There has been quite a bit of discussion on official stats and what stats can be counted. Did they play JV games, etc. With everyone's help, hear are the ones (that we have thus far) that fall just out of the top 10 on the NCAA Passer Rating system. We have also included their NFL QB Rating & rank just for conversation starters. Especially since Lyle Campbell ranks 5th so far in it.

NCAA Rank, NFL Rank, Comp, Att, Yards, TD, INT, NCAA QB Rating, NFL QB Rating, Name, Team, Year, Games Played
11 - 13 - 130 - 202 - 2480 - 52 - 6 - 246 - 134 Blayne Batla Garden City 2010 - 15
12 - 05 - 119 - 182 - 2437 - 38 - 1 - 246 - 146 Lyle Campbell, SR Gordon 1999 - 14
13 - 10 - 188 - 277 - 3105 - 59 - 5 - 229 - 137 Joey Rosamond Azle Christian 2014 - 11
14 - 15 - 187 - 285 - 3330 - 55 - 8 - 222 - 133 Joey Rosamond Azle Christian 2013 - 12
15 - 19 - 149 - 238 - 2765 - 48 - 8 - 220 - 128 Stanley Dunbar Methodist Children's Home 2013 - 11
Leman Saunders":23a8m1t2 said:
One of the most epic posts on this message board was about a Private School QB who they were saying was the best six-man QB ever...Nate Strand of Greenville Christian 2001-04...he had some very gaudy numbers I remember

this again has not been cross checked...
2004 - Nate Strand, Greenville Christian - 270-447 for 4438 yards 84 TDs (don't have INTs)

an old article about him:

some of the work Tommy Wells use to do...

Leman - I can vouch this numbers. We kept very meticulous records. These were both live and verified via video stats,
You wouldn't happen to have 1993 Bill Climer of Happy Hill stats? All I have are season passing yards and TDs...looking for attempts completions and INTs.

3956 yards, 68 TDs passing

in single game against Abilene Christian he had 735 yards passing and 11 TDs

His main receiver had crazy stats that season as well (and returned a ton of kicks for TDs): Adam Cox - 104 catches for 2084 yards and 41 TDs receiving
Leman - I can vouch this numbers. We kept very meticulous records. These were both live and verified via video stats,

His Team,

Can you please look back in those records and see if you can find how many interceptions he had? That component is vital to this analysis.

Here are some more stats that we just added to the list. He had impressive stats this year, but he was most efficient in his passing as a Junior, which puts him currently into the top 15.

Comp, Att, Yards, TD, INT, NCAA QB Rating, NFL QB Rating, Name, Team, Year,
67 - 110 - 1384 - 23 - 3 - 230 133 Slade Coulter, Jr. Jayton 2013
No, I would be fibbing if I said I was 100% positive. But I can say with good confidence that it was six or seven. I remember six interceptions because they were usually a result of a freak-play such as a helmet deflection or one that bounced out of our receiver's hands into the opponent's. Or a result of ill-advised, risky, decision making like against NS and Eden.
Thanks to the Six-Man Coaches Association who reported all of the 2014 end of season stats. So we have a whole new group that we need interceptions for. If we get the number of interceptions, then we can calculate their QB Passer Rating. I hope we can get everyone to send these to us.

Thank you in advance.

Comp, Att, Yards, TD, INT, NCAA QB Rating, NFL QB Rating, Name, Team,
210 - 306 - 2692 - 44 - ? - #VALUE! - #VALUE! Dayton Eddleman JR. Sands
97 - 141 - 1805 - 39 - ? - #VALUE! - #VALUE! Nicholi Maxwell SR. Follett
99 - 166 - 1651 - 28 - ? - #VALUE! - #VALUE! David Allen JR. Oakwood
64 - 145 - 1631 - 33 - ? - #VALUE! - #VALUE! Harrison Nowak SR. Strawn
82 - 138 - 1441 - 24 - ? - #VALUE! - #VALUE! Hayden Gerber SR. Nazareth
84 - 139 - 1420 - 15 - ? - #VALUE! - #VALUE! Barrett Bland, SR. Valley
66 - 103 - 1394 - 27 - ? - #VALUE! - #VALUE! Ethan Evans Soph Buena Vista
82 - 175 - 1295 - 21 - ? - #VALUE! - #VALUE! Patrick Tillis JR. Loraine
78 - 120 - 1222 - 18 - ? - #VALUE! - #VALUE! Marty Flores, JR. Rochelle
66 - 108 - 1219 - 25 - ? - #VALUE! - #VALUE! Riley Stone SR. Blum
29 - 112 - 1087 - 22 - ? - #VALUE! - #VALUE! T.J. McVey Sr Trinidad
66 - 115 - 1073 - 22 - ? - #VALUE! - #VALUE! Isaac Williams Sr May
With everyone's help so far, we have 52 players with full stats including interceptions.
With this new information, here are the #10 to #15 ranked passers by the NCAA QB Rating system. With the new Coaches Association stats just out, I want to wait a little while longer in hopes that we will get more of the 2014 players INTs so that we can get their QB Ratings calculated before I release the top 9.

NCAA Rank, NFL Rank, Comp, Att, Yards, TD, INT, NCAA QB Rating, NFL QB Rating, Name, Team, Year,
10 - 16 - 104 - 166 - 2338 - 49 - 4 - 274 - 136 Blayne Batla Garden City 2009
11 - 3 - 154 - 211 - 2986 - 52 - 2 - 271 - 151 Mitchell Parsley Crowell 2013
12 - 17 - 113 - 178 - 2639 - 46 - 5 - 268 135 Bryson Oliver Throckmorton 2012
13 - 10 - 91 - 140 - 1937 - 37 - 2 - 266 - 142 Lyle Campbell, Jr. Gordon 1998
14 - 28 - 45 - 72 - 1120 - 17 - 3 - 263 - 128 Lance Morris Ira 2011
15 - 5 - 65 - 93 - 1184 - 23 - 1 - 256 148 Bryson Oliver Throckmorton 2013
Lanham Brown 2014

80 / 123

1674 yds

43 TD's / 1 int

Incredible accuracy and touch. He can make any throw. Not to mention he had total control of our offense to change plays at any time if needed.
He belongs in this group for sure.