2023 Playoff Pick 'Em!


Six-man master
The 2023 playoff pick 'em is live and ready for picks!

I've got a lot to say about this so, please, bear with me.

Let me start by apologizing to the folks who follow private schools. Once again, I'm not able to have y'all's teams listed in this and I truly am sorry about that.

The main goal, as far as the pick 'em was concerned, last off-season was to have the pick 'em be a year long thing, then kinda "reset" during the playoffs. However, I wanted it to work in such a way that we could have "winners" in each conference (UIL, TAPPS, TAIAO, etc). So, work began early in the off-season on that and I ended up hitting a snag trying to figure out how to get the system to distinguish between conferences to score them differently for each member in a way that makes sense and is easy to re-access that data when needed (for displaying picks, standings, etc). I worked on it off and on, and thought about it, for months and never really came up with a solution that I liked. When I finally did was a few weeks, or so, ago. By then I figured it was too late in the season to try to get it all coded up and implemented. Seriously...who wants to play a pick 'em game for one week?

Fast forward to a few days ago when I realized that what I'd coded for the regular season won't work for the playoffs. The playoff pick 'em is much more simplified, but the distinction between conferences would still need to be made for it to work. Well, I simply don't have the time to get those changes made to this year's playoff pick 'em either. So, unfortunately, the only options I had were to run it with the UIL schools only, or simply don't do it at all. I'm sure some would've wanted me to choose the latter but I thought otherwise. So, here we are.

On that note, though, my single-most priority going into this off-season is to completely re-write the pick 'em so that it's ready to go for next season. I may not get another single new feature added to the site before next season, but we will absolutely have a regular season (and playoff) weekly pick 'em next year (private schools included).

Again, private school folks, I'm sorry I didn't get y'all included again this year.

This year the pick 'em is pretty much exactly like last year. You'll have up until the time that the first playoff game is scheduled to start during any given week to submit your picks for the entire week. Please, make sure all your picks are submitted correctly BEFORE the deadline. It's easy to check. Just scroll down the pick selection page and make sure there are no blank boxes on your page after you submit your picks.

Good luck everyone!
Big Mike,

We really appreciate the website here. It’s the best source of information for the people that need it most!
I’m excited to enter my first picks for the season, but before we get started I just wanted to know if I would receive some type of award once I won? I also wanted to know if it was cheating for me to help out the coaches and therefore give me a better chance at a win?

I’m excited that the playoffs are beginning either way but I just wanted to make sure we had a level playing field off the bat! I look forward to hearing about that award!

I’m excited to enter my first picks for the season, but before we get started I just wanted to know if I would receive some type of award once I won?

Sure, if you win I'll send you an award of some type.

I also wanted to know if it was cheating for me to help out the coaches and therefore give me a better chance at a win?

I think most folks would be willing to make an exception just for you.
Hey @Mike, I hit the save button and the screen did a little flicker and just stayed there. Did it save? Just curious. I was expecting to be taken back to the top or home page or something. I'm not very good at this technology computer thingy.
Hey @Mike, I hit the save button and the screen did a little flicker and just stayed there. Did it save? Just curious. I was expecting to be taken back to the top or home page or something. I'm not very good at this technology computer thingy.

Yes, it should process your picks, then refresh the page. It stays on that page in case you want to change your picks, or just review them. If it did "something" after you clicked save, though, it probably worked. To know for certain, just refresh your browser on that pick selection page. If your picks stay on the page, they're saved. If you see nothing but empty spaces, they didn't save.

I'll work on a way to give some kind of message letting folks know it saved.
Yes, it should process your picks, then refresh the page. It stays on that page in case you want to change your picks, or just review them. If it did "something" after you clicked save, though, it probably worked. To know for certain, just refresh your browser on that pick selection page. If your picks stay on the page, they're saved. If you see nothing but empty spaces, they didn't save.

I'll work on a way to give some kind of message letting folks know it saved.
Yeah, they were still there after the flicker. Thank you!
Yes, all that data is saved in the database. Last season I didn't add a year distinction to the data so I'm going to re-code it so that we can access an archive of the winners going forward.

When I click on the pick distribution tab it shows me the bar graph of the two schools for that game. I am assuming the number with each bar is how many people picked each team. However I have another set of numbers to the right of the bars. What are those representing? I’m probably going to feel dumb when I get the answer but I’m old and don’t care. 😂😂😂

When I click on the pick distribution tab it shows me the bar graph of the two schools for that game. I am assuming the number with each bar is how many people picked each team. However I have another set of numbers to the right of the bars. What are those representing? I’m probably going to feel dumb when I get the answer but I’m old and don’t care. 😂😂😂

The number to the right is the average spread that the members who picked that team picked them to win by.
Quick question. What is the number beside the person in the pick em standings? I see that people have 8-0 records, but range from 5 points beside their name to over 200 points beside their name.
Quick question. What is the number beside the person in the pick em standings? I see that people have 8-0 records, but range from 5 points beside their name to over 200 points beside their name.

That's the number of points they were off in their spread pick.

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