District vs non-district games

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
I know some private schools have already played some district games but as we really get rolling on district this week I thought I should take the time to remind folks to make sure your team's district games are marked as district games and your non-district games are not, especially if you played a district opponent in a non-district game.

This is the first year where we do auto-marking for district games, rather than having you check a box for each game when entering the schedule and I'm sure it's possible that there may be a few errors here and there.

Please note that if your games are marked wrong, then your team's district record on the team's overview page will also be wrong. If anyone notices any games that are wrong, please let me know and I'll get them fixed as quickly as possible.

Rankings / spreads updated

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
The rankings (week 6) and spreads (week 7) are now available!

Once again, thank you to everyone who helped track down scores this week, and especially to the coaches who continue to text/email/message me your scores every week. It's because of y'all that I'm able to get these things done during the weekend and not have to delay into the week.

Again, thank you!

Rankings, spreads, and schedules updated

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
The rankings (week 5) and spreads (week 6), as well as the schedules (week 6) have now all been updated.

Please note that since there are still a few outstanding scores, and maybe games that were played I didn't have scheduled, the rankings may still fluctuate throughout the day as I get those scores in and re-process the rankings. I don't see many major changes coming for most schools, though.

EDIT: All of the scores (at least for games I had scheduled) are in and the rankings have been re-processed. Things shouldn't change again unless scores for games I didn't know about come in, but this late I might not run them again anyways.

Site delays...

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
The scores, rankings, spreads, and pretty much any other updates will be delayed this week due to me being with family.

Click here for more info...

Rankings and spreads updated

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
The rankings (week 4) and spreads (week 5) have been updated.

Thank you to everyone who helped with getting scores to me this week. It was great to have almost all the scores by mid-day on Saturday.

Rankings (finally) / spreads updated

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
Sorry for the delay, folks, but the week 3 rankings are finally out! Also, the spreads have been updated again to reflect the new ratings.

Thank you all for your patience! Let's hope there are no more delays this season!