TAIAO alignments

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
Tonight I was able to get the new TAIAO alignments sorted in the database. You can see all those on the divisions page or follow the links below to see individual divisions.

TAIAO Division I
TAIAO Division II
TAIAO Division III

Their divisional rankings have also been updated on the rankings page.

Rankings / spreads updated

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
The week 2 rankings, along with the week 3 spreads have been updated.

Schedule changes

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
There have been quite a few game changes already in the first few weeks of the season, especially to Thursday nights because of referee shortages.

I'd like to ask all you coaches, athletic directors, players and fans to check your team's schedule at least once a week and please get in touch with me if you notice any errors so that I can get them corrected as soon as possible.

Rankings re-calculated

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
Because there was a top 10 team that I even realize I was missing a score for, once I got it in I decided to re-run the rankings. That shook things up a bit, especially at the top!

Hopefully that won't happen again...we'll just say I had week one jitters or something...

Spreads issue corrected

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
I finally got home and was able to track down the issue with the spreads and it's now fixed.

Issue with week 2 spreads

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
An issue with the week 2 spreads was brought to my attention and, after digging into it briefly, it's obvious that there is definitely a problem somewhere in the code.

I'm away from my computer at the moment but as quickly as I can get home I'll get the issue corrected and spreads updated again. In the meantime, I wouldn't trust any of the spreads!