With a Heavy Heart


Six-man pro
Unfortunately, I have had to resign my position as the head coach of the ETHSU Chargers last night. I just have too many schools that need my assistance after looking at some of the scores last night!

Coach Bagdon had a really good game plan for my boys last night.. pay the refs extra money to never call a penalty on the bullfrogs! This game was much closer than the final score indicated, I feel like we had Union Hills right where wanted them! The halftime adjustments were coming and Bagdon knew it! He’s very lucky I called the dogs off early!

Don’t worry Bagdon I’ll be in Saint Jo helping coach Hance in a couple weeks! Looks like they need a little bit more help on those sidelines right now!

Today I’ll venture off into the sunset to watch the Campbell Indians and Fruitvale Bobcats battle it out! Two high powered teams going head to head should make for a fun game! Fruitvale is a big time 2A program now, so I know this will be a tough one for Campbell!

Campbell was on the up and up a few seasons back but have started to dip a little bit recently! Im not sure what has happened, but I have no doubt Presley Compton will get that program where it needs to be! I heard he was a stud athlete in a former life! Not sure if he was on the same level as myself, but who can tell?

I’ll take the Indians over the big time 2A Bobcats today by 69!

Love y’all!
Wesp, will you keep me and Sweet T posted when Campbell has the wear your vest to the game night. After our trip to the Jim Tressel Vest Museum in Ohio, we have some pretty sweet vest to wear to the game. We are hoping that GT and Walter can make it too
Looks like I called this one right on the nose! You knew Presley Compton would succeed when he stole my playbook! Good luck to anyone stopping that offense! The Indians are ready to roll!
Wesp, aka Wuss, I have known Coach Hantz for a few years and I figure that if you show up in Saint Jo trying to interfere with his team, he will hurt you.
Listen old man! Coach Hance is very lucky to have my assistance this season! He has personally thanked me many times for the offense I have in place for him!
Listen old man! Coach Hance is very lucky to have my assistance this season! He has personally thanked me many times for the offense I have in place for him!
I guess I will get to meet you before long when I come to a game? We can take a picture together and post it on facebook and sixmanfootball. Your mother can not be in the picture.