What Now?

westexasflats":3d3mmeva said:
Shot at a very good buck the other day.........missed.....pulled the empty casing out of my trusty old 270..........it was a 25-06........opps

That's one way to keep the projectile from engaging the rifling.
This isn't a hunting story but a story of love. The owner of the land let a guy put baby calves on the lease. They kept coming up to the trailer so my DSH went and bought them some range cubes. I would sit on the tail of the pickup and feed them. They would come up to me as soon as they got used to me being there and they knew they would get goodies. So we go to bed that night and I hear something outside the trailer. I woke my DSH up and he heard it too so he gets his gun and slowly walks out of the trailer. He walks back in and says get up in a not so nice voice. I did it cause he had the gun. I walked out there and all the babies had made camp at the trailer. They were everywhere. Nearly up to the door. We went back to bed and woke up to go have breakfast at the Country Cafe and oh my gosh, anyone who wanted fertilizer could of had all they wanted plus more. That entire weekend they slept with us. I had names for all of them. I did the same thing with some big cows that were pregnant. That was stupid. They were way bigger than I was.
OFB thats what happened to my husbands shotgun. It's dangerous. Were lucky to have our Westexas with us today. But missing any deer makes your guts hurt anyway. When you fire you expect them to go down.
MelaniB":23qk91bg said:
Smokey WHAT??? You have to be full of bull. An Elephant???? I do watch the Animal Planet Shows where hunters kill elephants for their tusk or ivory. I smell a rat and don't tell me I hurt your feelings. An Elephant.....If I'm wrong I will apolligize but an elephant?
It was a feeble attempt at humor.... I borrowed it from an old Groucho Marx movie ......
Oh thank goodness. I got you on that one, lol although people do go to Africa to shoot animals. I had to really think this one out. Can you eat elephant meat? How would you drag an elephant out for the clean out? How would you pack the elephant meat to take it home? I was entirely confused, lol Glad I caught you after I did all my thinking.
The creatures I'm most afraid of is Snakes, Hogs, and Coyotes. Our lease is full of Coyotes. The dog like kind in case any smarty is thinking different. Anyway my ears are good when were at the lease. At home they may be selective hearing. Anyway I love to hear the Coyotes howl and then try to guess where they might be. Me and DSH get up the next morning and we walk out to the truck because one of the batteries in a feeder had quit working. We had to go get a new one. I walk out to our pickup and right there on my side of the truck is a great big poop with hair in it. If I had of known the Coyotes passed the trailer I would of wanted to go home right then. Just cause you hear em don't mean they're at your feeder. They can be right at your front door.
Oh I'm so hungry for venison sausage talking about hunting. I wonder if DSH got a deer and a sow if a Processing Place would use the sow and venison together? I'm not crazy about wild sows but it's kind of a thought in order not to pay so much for the processing. I didn't know that the tubing on sausage is intestines so I try not to think about it while having a biscuit and piece of sausage for breakfast.
The easiest way to become anorexic is to gut shoot a deer. I always have to help and I gag and throw up then gag some more then there comes the bile.
My dad bought a sausage machine. It took 3 of us to run it. My dad fed the venison and pig meat into the grinder thing and me and my mom had to hold the tubing (gut) onto the stem that puts the sausage into the gut. We had to push down the meat and tie it off then there we would go again. I never wanted to be so through with a job in my life. NOW my dad has a dehydrator for making jerky. That will probably be our next job at Christmas. I will say the prayer. Christmas is about Christ and repeat for 30 minutes and dad will forget about making jerky. Although it's good.
That was mean Westexas. Oh I'm sick. Now that is not what to do when cleaning out an animal. I thought I heard a grunt. Surely that had to be one of the guys doing a grunt call. All that green. All over the guy. You are plum mean Westex. I feel the same way as when it's just on my husbands hands and falling to the ground. That is so gross. I claim to be a hunters wife but that makes me want to just be a house wife.
I will be up all night You Tubing to gross you out Mr Westexas. That was gross. My stomach is churning. I just ate supper. I'm sure all will be coming up cause I can't get that site out of my mind.
Westexas even the guy in the video is gagging. I bet he didn't finish cleaning out the elk. I couldn't tell was it a bull or cow?
This ends my night on hunting. To be continued tomorrow with hopefully some new stories on everyones hunting expeditions. Good night to all of you. I may be up all night gagging.
One of the Ranchers wives called me a Citygirl. Only if she knew she was right at this moment. I can't walk yet and I have the trashcan ready.
EWE My food is up and gone. I don't know what was worse. The poop bag being cut open or my supper. My face is white as the ice we had a week ago. I gotta get it out of my mind. Westexas I'm siccing my boy on you for doing this to his mom.

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