Week 8 Picks

No Excuses

11-man fan
My predictions for this Friday.

Grandfalls 62 Balmorhea 8 - Cowboys on a mission.

Sierra Blanca 56 Dell City 44 - Shoot out in Dell City as long as the Cougars don't get a player hurt.

Sanderson 58 Buena Vista 6 - Some people are giving B.V. a chance based on last week's game against Balmorhea. Over at half.

Anyone else's opinios greatly appreciated.
Buena vista by 16.If Sanderson goes in to this game thinking it will be a walk in the park. Buena vista will take it at halftime.
(Sorry I got this same thing posted on last week's picks, so re-posting in the right place)
First off, I do not have a 'dog in this fight' so my perspective is fairly neutral. Looks like No Excuses is either from Sanderson or a fan and it is pretty obvious that BEARS is a Balmorhea faithful. I have seen every team in this district in person at least one time and some more than that. 'No Excuses' probably has the winners pretty well 'nailed' but would have to respectfully disagree with his spread on the BV/Sanderson game. BV is a much better team than anyone has given them credit for, including Mr. Huntress' computer rankings. This one really should not be close and Sanderson will prevail, but 58-6 is probably a 'reach'. On the other hand, BEARS prediction would seem to be wishful thinking after the scare encountered last week against BV. BV by 16 or over at half? hard time believing that this will happen. Based on observations since way back in August, Sanderson now appears to clearly be the 2nd most talented team in this district and anybody that keeps up with the district has no trouble identifying the most talented team (GFR). Everyone who follows 6 man football knows that anything can happen on any given night, but as most predicted before the season began, next week's Sanderson/Balmorhea game will likely 'tell the tale' of how the district will 'shake out' in the end.
Grandfalls 62 Balmorhea 14
Sanderson 76 BV 28
Sierra Blanca 56 Dell City 50
Grandfalls will keep rolling easily the best defense in the district
Balmorheas defense will have to step up if they expect to make this a game I think they can get two by against the cowboys
Sanderson will keep district hopes alive defense will be tested
Buena vista will show to be no push over with upset in mind will have to match sandersons offense score for score if they expect to win.
Sierra Blanca will have step up defensively vs one of the districts best running backs
Dell City will show sierra Blanca what it's like to play with the season on the line every down the upset is in there hands being short handed will be the factor.
Best of luck to all teams
First of all, thanks for all the responses. It's great to get different opinions, especially opinions from a "neutral" fan. Those opinons are usually the closest ones to reality. Yes I am an Eagle fanatic, so obiviously my opinions and projections are going to be BIASED. I have been watching these boys since two-a-days began and I will have to tell you that these Eagle boys are hitting it on all cylinders right now. The way they came out and methodically marched down the field last week in Sierra Blanca and scored on their first 4 or 5 possesions was awesome. I hadn't seen an Eagle team play with such confidence and team spirit in quite a few years. You can see the team confidence growing week after week. Even after the Rankin loss, their spirits were high. B.V. is in for a tough game Friday night at the PIT in Sanderson. Like I said before, EAGLES at the half and BIG!!

Keep the opinions coming folks. i think this is the most chatter we've had about District 6 all year.

Good luck to everyone and be safe on the road.

P.S. - i hope none of you Eagle boys read this and get a big head because you still have to play. B.V. is not going to just give it to you. YOU HAVE TO TAKE IT!!!
Well I have never been more wrong in my life!!!! B.V. came down to Sanderson and gave the EAGLES all that they could handle. Great game. Great heart and determination from the Longhorns.

Sanderson 30 Buena Vista 24 FINAL!!! - WHEW!! That one was too close. B.V. had fouth and goal with time ticking away under 15 seconds. Eagles sacked the QB with 7 seconds to play and eeked out a victory.

Comes down to Sanderson at Balmorhea on Thursday - Halloween night - for a spot in the playoffs!!! Should be one heck of a game.

Hopefully #3 from B.V. isn't hurt too bad. He is a great player.
Well I have never been more wrong in my life!!!! B.V. came down to Sanderson and gave the EAGLES all that they could handle. Great game. Great heart and determination from the Longhorns.

Sanderson 30 Buena Vista 24 FINAL!!! - WHEW!! That one was too close. B.V. had fouth and goal with time ticking away under 15 seconds. Eagles sacked the QB with 7 seconds to play and eeked out a victory.

Comes down to Sanderson at Balmorhea on Thursday - Halloween night - for a spot in the playoffs!!! Should be one heck of a game.

Hopefully #3 from B.V. isn't hurt too bad. He is a great player.
I have waited to respond on this topic to allow myself a little time to process what I witnessed on Friday night and No Excuses is absolutely correct that the Longhorns played a heck of a game and should be very proud of their performance. I decided to attend this game because I thought it had the makings of a good game but at the same time believing it might be one that would disappoint based on recent history between these 2 schools. In the 3rd quarter it looked like it was going to be another game to disappoint when Sanderson extended its lead to 30-8. After that score, I sensed that the Eagles intensity level and concentration suffered somewwhat and that drop off led to several forced and unforced mistakes that allowed the game to end up being what it ended up being not to mention that the level of officiating also suffered at about the same time. There appeared to be 'missed calls' and 'no calls' that went both ways that played into the final outcome and that is a real shame. Anyway, the game is history and the outcome is what it is and we move on to this week's much anticipated matchup between Balmorhea and Sanderson. 'Granger's toy' has installed the Bears as 6 point favorites and I would have to believe that the game could be decided by the 6 point margin either way. I sure would not make any bets based on BEARS prediction that it will be 30 point Balmorhea victory. It will come down to the team that executes and makes the least mistakes because 'on paper' the teams are pretty evenly matched.
#7, #12, from Balmorhea will be the big play makers in this game. And the hard hitting from #10, #4, #12, #7 will be the game changer. It being a must win. I know we will see body's flying around like we did when Ft. Davis came down. #21 wants to hit 2000 yards or more this year I think he will get it done in this game.
I think the Balmorhea-Sandersom game will be like the old days and end up a dog fight. Both teams know what is on the line and will put it all on the line Thursday night. The Bears will come out hungry after their loss to GR. I say the Bears take this one by 20.

Grandfalls 60
Sierra Blanca 0

Dell City 14
Buena Vista 60
I am glad a neutral source (Fan_of_6man) mentioned the officiating in the game between B.V. and Sanderson. By my count, the Zebras cost the Eagles 24 points, but that is history now. Got to move on foward to tomorrow night in Balmorhea. Anyone with high blood pressure or heart problems should not attend this game...IT'S GONNA BE A BRAWL!!

Congratulations to the young men on both teams. You have played great football all year to reach this climatic point in the season. Good Luck to both teams. Play with CLASS and may the best team win.