UIL Executive Cmte meeting tomorrow regarding O'Donnell


Six-man expert
AUSTIN, Texas —The State Executive Committee of the University Interscholastic League will convene at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 8 at the Courtyard Marriott Pflugerville to determine the eligibility of student athletes.

A schedule of Tuesday’s hearings follows.

9:00 a.m. AA.O’Donnell High School: Appeal of District 6-1A Division I Executive Committee Decision Regarding Eligibility of a Student Athlete, Section 443, Changing Schools for Athletic Purposes.

9:45 a.m. BB. San Antonio Wagner High School: Appeal of District 26-5A Executive Committee Decision Regarding Eligibility of a Student Athlete, Section 443, Changing Schools for Athletic Purposes.

10:30 a.m. CC. Tenaha High School: Appeal of District 11-2A Division I Executive Committee Decision Regarding Eligibility of a Student Athlete, Section 443, Changing Schools for Athletic Purposes.

11:15 a.m. DD. Crosby High School: Appeal of District 12-5A Division II Executive Committee Decision Regarding Eligibility of a Student Athlete, Section 443, Changing Schools for Athletic Purposes.

12:45 p.m. EE. Lexington High School: Appeal of District 8-3A Division II Executive Committee Decision Regarding Eligibility of a Student Athlete, Section 443, Changing Schools for Athletic Purposes.

1:30 p.m. FF. Lexington High School: Appeal of District 8-3A Division II Executive Committee Decision Regarding Eligibility of a Student Athlete, Section 443, Changing Schools for Athletic Purposes.
UIL State Executive Committee Meeting Results


—The State Executive Committee of the University Interscholastic League met Tuesday to hand down decisions on eligibility of student-athletes.

Student-athletes from O’Donnell High School, San Antonio Wagner High School, and Tenaha High School were denied appeals for varsity eligibility, upholding the previous rulings of the district executive committees.

Two student-athletes from Lexington High School were granted appeals for varsity eligibility. After hearing testimony from all parties, it was determined that these students did not change schools for athletic purposes.