Time For a Comeback!


Six-man master
Ok, so it wasn't really gone for that long, but it was gone...and now it's back!

My name is Mike and I'm the new owner/admin of sixmanfootball.com. I'm excited to try to work through everything, figure everything out, and try to get this site rolling again as the top site in the world for everything related to Texas Six-Man Football.

I've been around here some before. I've helped Granger write/fix some of the things on the site in the past, and will be looking to do a lot of updates to the site in the future. Admittedly that was probably 10+ years ago now and I probably won't recognize a great deal of the code, even that I've written but rest assured it won't take me long to get back into the swing of things.

Just as an FYI, I'm going to be concentrating most of my time on trying to get everything on the site updated. What this means is that the schedules and rankings, unfortunately, may not be live for some time. I know that's what a lot of you are here for and I will work on getting things updated as soon as possible, but please understand we're already way behind. Most, if not all, of the schedules should have been submitted by now and there are a LOT missing! I have got the schedule form ready to accept new schedules, and I'll be reviewing those as quickly as possible. As soon as most of the data is available, I'll try to get the schedules viewable.

There will be some major changes to the site in the coming months. The most notable will be moving the forums to a newer, and in my opinion much better, software. When this happens I'll also be updating the overall style of the site, with a responsive design, which means it will look, and work, much better on mobile devices. It will take me some time to get everything updated to a point where that will be possible, but that will be my primary goal. I'll do my best to keep you all updated on what's happening, and what's going to happen, but just know that I will be working diligently to get everything back on track as quickly as possible.

I look forward to this adventure, and I hope you all are looking forward to it, too.

We're back!
I cannot tell you how excited I am that Mike is taking over. This all happened within the last 24-48 hours. I had decided I did not have the time to really coach anyone to get the site up and running. The next day, he sent me an e-mail and by that evening we had an agreement.

Years ago (when I was first transitioning and modifying the message board), Mike actually helped. He also wrote the initial scheduling code. He knows what he is doing. The fact he got the website functional in less than 12 hours shows that.

He also comes from a six-man town.

I will let him introduce himself as he sees fit, but for now, just know I am excited he's taking over. He's obviously got some work to do to make sure everything is running, but he has a plan.
I am pleased that the site will be going again. I am glad you got to an agreement with Granger. A few of us who have worked with him since back in the day tried to get the site over the years, but he wasn't ready :) Good Luck Mike. Do it justice!

-Randy Savage
Gordon, TX
Like so many I am ecstatic that Mike is going to continue the site. I hate that my old friend Granger is no longer the owner but times change. I feel this site and Granger personally have done more to bring attention to the game over the course of the last 25+ years than anything else. I hope Mike can continue in that vain.
Thanks everyone. I plan on keeping everything going just the same as Granger has for all these years, with a few little upgrades. Might be a little rocky for the first year as I work through how to do everything but I should be able to get everything up and running pretty quickly.

If any of you notice anything that needs fixed, please let me know and I'll put it on the list.
Texlonghorn75 said:
Great News!! Glad to see the website up and running. Mike, what sixman football town are your from?

I live in Vernon. My dad, me, my wife, and my oldest son all graduated from Northside. My youngest is a freshman there now.
Mike said:
Thanks everyone. I plan on keeping everything going just the same as Granger has for all these years, with a few little upgrades. Might be a little rocky for the first year as I work through how to do everything but I should be able to get everything up and running pretty quickly.

If any of you notice anything that needs fixed, please let me know and I'll put it on the list.

Take your time and do it right is all I can suggest
everydownback said:
Hopefully someone will let SFA and oldfolks know that their favorite website is back up. I am sure oldfolks was getting bored during cracker time without his favorite website

I don't guess I know either of those folks, but hopefully everyone will figure out at some point.

Once I get the scheduler updated, and forums converted, I plan on sending out an email to everyone who has been active in the past year, but hasn't been online since I took over, to let them know we're back.