

11-man fan
I just wanted to say thanks to everybody who posts all the information about players, teams and games on this website. I coached at Tyler St for 5 years before becoming an officer in the Army. I am currently deployed. My mind is off the war for the little bit of time that I sit down and read the six man website. I really appreciate it. I can keep up with Tyler St as well as private school 6man in general and be thousands of miles away. If you are a coach consider yourself lucky because there isnt a day that goes by that I dont miss walking the sideline coaching. There is no better form to do it in than TAPPS because of the good Christian people you come across. I will be back to coaching soon enough and hopefully it will be at a private school. I also graduated from Tyler St so obviously I am pulling for them to win state but I wish each and every player, team and coach the best of luck in their remaining games.I hope that they are all exciting.
Coach LM, no thanks to us, but all the thanks to you! Thank you for serving our Nation, so that we have the freedom to coach and to play this wonderful game of 6 man football. We are praying for your safety, and your family, especially here at the holiday season! God Bless you! Can't wait to hear back from you, when your back home and coaching somewhere.
Thanks you Coach LM, you are playing in and as an officer coaching in a much bigger game then any game that will be played in America untill all the troops are home. Because of past, present and future men and women like your self, we as Americans can enjoy life and sports at our leisure.
GOD bless you and your family and all the other men and women who are severing our country.
After all these years you still bleed BLUE.

Tyler Street Blue and White, Crusaders forever!

Thats my boy! We love you and you are always on the top of our prayer list.

Coach Mc

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