Best Steaks I've eaten.

1. Prime Rib @ Cheeve's Brothers in Temple, Tx
2. Prime Rib @ in Amarillo at the Big Tex. I think that's what it was called.
3. Center Cut @ Saltgrass in Round Rock.
4. Some slab of meat my offensive line coach made for my wife and kids and I last week. Man, that guy can burn some cow!!!

I just love talkin' about food!
Cagle's in Lubbock. Hands down my favorite and a where you can find me 6:00 this Wed during coaching school.

If you are going to the clinic and like steak, you owe it to yourself to eat there.
The old Sportsmans' on Lake Colorado City used to have a chicken fried steak that was one of the best I ever had. Does anyone know if that place is still open?
THat's me! When I worked at the Morgan Creek power plant, Sportsmans was our lunch tradition every Wednesday. That gravy smothered chicked fry was huge and guaranteed to make sure you fell asleep at your desk. ONly drinking three of those huge glasses of ice tea would keep you awake from it, mostly due to bladder pressure.
I've probably said it before, but LuLu's in San Antonio has some ridiculously huge chicken fries. You can get them smothered in gravy or queso.

The Garlic Press in Midland has good steaks, although I wouldn't call it a steakhouse. It's more of a snooty restaurant...
Red_Devil_DDS":19qerzg8 said:
I've probably said it before, but LuLu's in San Antonio has some ridiculously huge chicken fries. You can get them smothered in gravy or queso.

I'll second the Devil Doc's recommendation on Lulu's Jailhouse Cafe in San Antonio. It's heart-attack-artery-clogging GOOD! And if that ain't enough, they've got these cinnamon rolls that are about a foot square and four or six inches high for $3!

Just remember ol' Lulu has moved from her old digs across from the county jail to an old diner on Main St. & IH 35 in front of an old Rodeway Inn.
I'll third that nomination. I've eaten there before. Why on earth did I forget about that place. Sportsmans was similar in size, though they did make it a healthy lunch by putting 3 or 4 small pieces of lettuce and a tomato slice on a saucer covered by 1000 island dressing as one side and a small bowl of pinto beans as another.
Coach Wentrcek":njcpdnbu said:
Best Steaks I've eaten.

1. Prime Rib @ Cheeve's Brothers in Temple, Tx
2. Prime Rib @ in Amarillo at the Big Tex. I think that's what it was called.
3. Center Cut @ Saltgrass in Round Rock.
4. Some slab of meat my offensive line coach made for my wife and kids and I last week. Man, that guy can burn some cow!!!

I just love talkin' about food!

But I never trust a skinny guy to tell me about good food .... Jeremy, I might make an exception in your case.

Oh, is Big Tex the place you can buy the 72 oz. steak for something like $50 but if you can eat it and the fixin's in an hour you get it free?


Yes. Big Tex would be the 72 ounce steak place. They have a stage that you sit on in the middle of the restaurant with a timer for anyone brave enough to tackle that piece of meat. I considered it, but we were about to go scout Bible Heritage in 04 and didn't want to pass out before I got to the game.

The Shed I believe is closed. Lowake is nowhere near what it used to be and The Original Zentners is better than the Daughter. It's just that Zentner's Daughter is so close to the stadium. Has anyone ever eaten at Shortys in Falls City. It was once on Texas highways list of top 10 steak houses. The fried okra there will make you slap your Mama.
I have heard that but haven't been able to go. I haven't had a chance to check out the steaks at Big O's in Valera but have heard they are good too.

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