wths":ab05jrm8 said:
Well they can like 4 team districts all they want but if the number is 104.9 that's going to change some schools around and 4 team districts won't really be an option.
Even with the number going to 104.9, I don't see a hoard of teams moving from crowded field or from no football to 6 man; my expectation is that it will be closer to a handful (maybe 6-10). I've heard a couple names in the Hill Country area but as I told my contact, I tend to use the advice of the Apostle Thomas on stories like that -- when I put my hands in the wounds, I'll believe. Or as another friend of mine in private schools used to say about scheduling new programs -- he wanted to see the invoice for the equipment before he scheduled them.
And remember, UIL has their new charter school classification plan which moves most charter schools into 3A and above classifications. Although I'm not on the inside, my bet is that the current charter schools playing in UIL 6-man (I believe it is two, Lubbock Harmony and Irving Universal) will not remain in UIL.
Maybe the average district goes to 5 or 6 teams. But it would be interesting if it could work out to eight 8-team districts; the problem would be if either division is much over 64 schools ... you could work in a couple 9-team districts, I guess, and put the bye in district play but those teams would only have two non-district contests before district play starts in Week 2.
Oh, I remember Star said they would not play in 2012 and 2013, but are they thinking of coming back for 2014 and 2015?