Playoff Excitement..Let's pick em

I don't think RS playing a GC or BC or Happy.....Valley...early in the season is anyone looking for a shallacking I think it would just be 2 powerhouse teams from opposite divisions in a early season battle....I would just like to see it that's all.....maybe it makes sense maybe it does not......
tx6man4life":3sodpyw3 said:
I don't think RS playing a GC or BC or Happy.....Valley...early in the season is anyone looking for a shallacking I think it would just be 2 powerhouse teams from opposite divisions in a early season battle....I would just like to see it that's all.....maybe it makes sense maybe it does not......
I think Rochelle in the early season, before attrition, was in the same league as GC, and probably stronger than Valley, so you actually got your wish and didn't even know it. Actually three of the first four games that RS played this season were against top 5 teams in their respective divisions. And if you look back, in the not too distant past, they have had season openers against Happy and Bordon County. But, if you have a very young team, I think being slowly seasoned makes for better players than throwing them off the deep end, sink or swim.
I support it from a fan perspective simply for the pure entertainment aspect. It would be super fun . The best games this year were the ones that pitted good-versus-good players and teams. Jonesboro v Calvert was the most beautiful game I have watched in some time. That contest had every dramatic element imaginable. I would pay twenty and thirty dollars a ticket for the opportunity to watch more battles like the war those two fought. I sheet you not. It took me back to epic battles we had against Aspermont and Throck in '04 and '05, Blum and Rule in '06, Calvert and Rule for half the games in '07.
This year's Jonesboro v Zephyr was exciting for two and a half quarters, also. Oakwood v Mt. Calm was crazy fun. RS v Rochelle was great, mostly. Crowell v Calvert was good. Happy v Crowell was fun.
They are enjoyable as heck for the fans. And for the players, too.

Teaching wise, going 9-5 in 2012 was one of the most heart-pumping experiences in my coaching journey. Playing Throck, Meadow, Happy, Crowell and Valley was tough as chewing glass, but it made our pretty good team a salty and fearless opponent. Those five battles developed three things that helped us through the playoffs:
mental bark
And as a coach I learned how to manage young scrappers who wanted to become seasoned warriors, despite the setbacks and hurt of close loses. I learned not to fear a tough loss. Made me a wiser coach and parent. They say pain will do that if it doesn't kill ya. That 2012 season for me is in the same league with our 2004-2007 seasons. Great memories.
Did we play them that year?

I know we did in 2007. That was the game where Shelby's ankle got hurt pretty good after a Bullfrog cut-tackled him . Swelled up the size of a pomegranate. He wasn't fully recovered until the semi-finals. That injury was my fault. We had noticed in film study that Ogle liked to tackle way down around the calves similar to cut blocking. Shelby asked me several times if I thought he should jump over his tackle or try to cut away from it. I said a cutback would be safer.
In the game on a FB sweep Ogle got to Shelby so quick he didn't have time to make his move.
The low hit was as fine a tackle as I had seen from an opponent all year. Shelby's ankle looked like it had been knocked off. He rolled around on the ground a good minute or so. He was done for two weeks. Afterwards I saw Tyler's face, Patrick's too. They were mad as hades. Sometime later Tyler begged me to run the same play with the TB, which was his number. I said why. He said he was going to run over Ogle's legs as payback. So we ran turned out to be Tyler's iconic play. ... 7aKwKgY%3D

We made a large copy of that photo and sold it for $600.00.
Want one? (:
BE":11rg3igm said:
Did we play them that year?

BE, your response brought to mind a scene from the movie Lonesome Dove. Jake Spoon was about to be hung by his old friends on the Drive. As Gus was contemplating the job at hand, Gus said, "Jake, I thought you might like to know that we got Lori back." Jake stared out toward him and said, "Who?"
Unless you were a part of that night from the RS perspective, there is no way I can persuade you to understand the dynamics which caused that situation. Today, its best to say, who cares, and move on to the next topic.

Suffice it to say there were four schools we liked to give our total attention to, three of them were year round for me and Tyler. They were Eden, Panther Creek, Throckmorton and Rule. The PC focus was almost dead by the time Ty started playing. Eden was smacking us in roundball, and we didn't appreciate losing in any sport. Eden had embarrassed us the previous January at their place with a 25 point blowout. I kept that feeling fresh in their minds for the next ten months. No one at RS liked losing, especially in district play. You guys at Lohn must have been mouthing off on Facebook or something; the boys wanted your scalps, too. But Lohn was a week-of rivalry. And since we no longer faced off in football, the gym would have to do.

Rule became a target after someone told the boys (not me) that the bobcats were letting the six-man world know they were the best athletes in the state, and were going to show it across the board--football, basketball and track. Track demonstrated that assertion was partly correct.
In 2006 mercy was not part of my coaching philosophy. That philosophy had been shaped starting in an era when beating your opponent as much as possible was not an issue. Young whipper-snappers like you weren't even a gleam in your mother's eyes. Most of my coaches back then were shaped by wars like WWll, Korea and Vietnam. Our coaches used stories of bootcamps and jungle battles to teach and illustrate points they wanted us to understand. And we became disciples of attack and hit the opponent until "the fat lady sings". That's just the way it was. No one believed in PC principles. Our mercy was only as deep as our patriotism and Christian Grace. But sometimes those were left in the locker room. We were shaped by these ex-drill sergeants and GIs. I remember one day I came into the Field House a little early to tell coach I wasn't feeling well. Had a sinus headache and some minor fever. He set me down in his office and offered me a hand full, literally, of orange colored heat eat. Then he raised up his shirt and showed me a back covered in twenty or thirty small and large scares. I mean absolutely covered! He described how he had been wounded by a Korean grenade and couldn't get medevac'd for another two days. He had to fight and sleep in a mud-filled hole for two more nights.
I didn't need the balm to complete the next two hours of practice. He ate it.

I know this will be hard for most people born after the 1970s to sympathize with.
As an 8th grader our HS football team at Ore City had been massacred by Waskom and New Diana by scores of something like 12 to 80 and 7 to 66. A month later when we played them in basketball, we went in determined to return the favor. Using a full-court press for three quarters, we demolished them 90 to 20 and 111 - 9. That second score is exact. Hard to forget a score like that. For the next two years that score was placed on our score board during pre-game warm-ups every time we played those schools at Ore City. It was a crazy attempt to pysch out our "foes", our enemy.
The next year we traveled to Waskom for a HS district football game and discovered they had turned the tables on us. Their score board showed the score of the previous year's basketball game. Oops? We were both surprised and a little intimidated by their use of our tactic. After the first half we were down 8 to 44. After a blistering half time speech, we improved our play enough to make it a respectable game with a lopsided score of something like 28 - 50. Against New Diana we actually led 14 to 7 to end the third quarter. But because our team had three freshman and four sophomores starting, we collapsed in the fourth and left with a shocking 14 to 45 loss.
When basketball started we returned the favor and destroyed both with lopsided scores. Felt wonderful.

Games and scenarios like those were common the rest of high school and college. And when coaching came along my style was already concrete. Years of getting our teeth kicked in solidified that philosophy. Suffered through some football scores like 6 - 70 against Blackwell in football, and 40 to 115 by Roby in basketball. And I learned how providing mercy on Thursday nights did not guarantee a return of such the next night. The only coach who returned mercy to my football team at Hermleigh was Bobby Avery at BC. One time. Learned that lesson quick. He could have beaten us 60 points easily, but played second and even some third teamers most of the second half.
BE":1vbixeb8 said:
You guys at Lohn must have been mouthing off on Facebook or something; the boys wanted your scalps, too. But Lohn was a week-of rivalry. And since we no longer faced off in football, the gym would have to do.

The Tyler Ethridge Coyotes from 2003 to 2007 constitute one of the greatest football teams in the history of sixmanfootball. In fact, the team only lost once to the 2005 Rule Bobcats. Lometa also gave the a scare in 07, but Ethridge brought the Coyotes back from the dead in that game.

In basketball, however, Lohn gave Richland Springs fits as district rivals. The former swept the latter in 04-05, split in 05-06 and 06-07, and Richland Springs won both in 07-08. In 07-08, Ethridge's senior year, Lohn played Richland Springs TOUGH in both games despite a 3-7 district record. I know its probably not fair to compare football and basketball and I know other teams beat Richland Springs during that time period, such as Lometa in 06-07, but Lohn did a remarkable job against those very-talented Richland Springs teams. With the exceptions of Rule, no one got under Richland Spring's skin like Lohn.
We never lost to Rule. Beat them 66-38 with Dudensing in 2005 at Gordon Wood stadium, and 78-58 and 98-54 in the 2006 and 2007 state games, respectively.

We lost to Throckmorton in the 2005 semi-finals.
Got a text. Follett and Buena Vista tied with 30 at half.
One, maybe both of BVs Backs are hurt.

Go Black Cats!!
BE":24is4ylv said:
We never lost to Rule. Beat them 66-38 with Dudensing in 2005 at Gordon Wood stadium, and 78-58 and 98-54 in the 2006 and 2007 state games, respectively.

We lost to Throckmorton in the 2005 semi-finals.

Sorry I misspoke about who beat Richland Springs, and it's a dang shame too because it gave you a chance to reply without actually addressing my substantive issues. GO BUENA VISTA!
Your issues are weak, TT15, just like your roundball game. (:
Those over-dramatic charges you faked fooled no one but an occasional nearsighted ref. I don't recall anyone getting under our skin except Eden and their exceptional basketball coach Smart. Wasn't that his name?

Just like yours truly, your a hero in your own mind. ((:
BE":1y07w202 said:
Your issues are weak, TT15, just like your roundball game. (:
Those over-dramatic charges you faked fooled no one but an occasional nearsighted ref. I don't recall anyone getting under our skin except Eden and their exceptional basketball coach Smart. Wasn't that his name?

Just like yours truly, your a hero in your own mind. ((:

It sounds like you would make a great a revisionist historian or simply forgot the truth. Oh well, I saw the Eden kids look like Mickey before Clubber Lang beat Rocky in Rocky III with my own eyes and know that Lohn, or at least I, did not back down.
BE":2oybgiq1 said:
Your issues are weak, TT15, just like your roundball game. (:
Those over-dramatic charges you faked fooled no one but an occasional nearsighted ref. I don't recall anyone getting under our skin except Eden and their exceptional basketball coach Smart. Wasn't that his name?

Just like yours truly, your a hero in your own mind. ((:

Was the Eden coach Chris Short?
Short, right. Is he still there?
I'm just messing with you TT15. But I must ask, why do you use Tim Tebow as your avatar? That is quite a statement.
BE iffn you suppose you should then by all means, keep them! But Imma taking the other half of the bracket. Just my thinking after watching Saturday.

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