Was watching a replay of a game from 2 weeks ago. Team B flagged for US at Team B 23 (dead ball spot and dead ball penalty). Official stepped off full 15 yards and placed ball at Team B 8 yard line. Of course Team B coach had a talk with the wing official and after a meeting of the minds (officials) they moved back to the Team B 23 yard line and marked off 1/2 the distance for the penalty. Problem was they only marked of about 8 yards (1/2 of the 15 not half the distance to the Goal Line) and placed the ball at the 15 yard line. Team B coach was happy. Team A coach must not have noticed because he didn't question the spot. Ball should have been placed at about the 12 yard line. Why can officials not learn the simple rules of the game? It is so sad to see the level of officials today. And this was a 6-man game with 5 officials, you would think at least one of them would put in enough time to know the basic rules for penalty enforcement.