On the move

Patriots123":4u5bo8s6 said:
Our Football Coach is our Principal, Football Coach, AD, teaches STAAR Classes...so he is going to be our Prinicipal now, Our Girls Basketball Coach is going to teach only and spend time with his grandbabies! We are excited for the New Coaches we are getting!!

yall getting a new boys bball coach too?

The Turkey-Quitaque Independent School District has placed Valley High School boy's basketball assistant coach Barry Johnson on administrative leave pending an investigation into allegations of an inappropriate relationship with a female student. According to Turkey-Quitaque Superintendent Jackie Jenkins, the Board of Trustees has taken action to terminate Johnson's contract at the end of its term.
Evant has 3 coaching positions available on the school website. Not sure if it is the head football that is open, but I know our football coach has fired and coached other sports since we went sixman my sophomore year because he was not able to win any district football games. I hope it works out for my hometown if he is leaving, but if not then maybe someone can stay and coach up our boys without him getting in the way.
Happy had a candidate from the private school sector but he backed out due to teaching field from either Plainview Christian, Wichita Falls Notre Dame, or Wichita Falls Christian. Source wasn't for sure from which of the three schools
Kramer":3isl5vsk said:
Happy had a candidate from the private school sector but he backed out due to teaching field from either Plainview Christian, Wichita Falls Notre Dame, or Wichita Falls Christian. Source wasn't for sure from which of the three schools
Coach Jake Popham from Petersburg was also a candidate for the job at Happy, but I believe he may have got the call a little too late. We shall see how things play out.
after further investigation into the Happy job offer, I found out through wonder dog the job was offered to Coach Johnson of Wichita Falls Christian and he turned it down. I was told Johnson is pursuing a job in South Texas, private school sector.
my understanding is he applied, had an on site interview and told Happy Administration he wanted the job. It was enough for Happy ISD to offer Coach Johnson the position as being hired as the next football coach. Happy assumed he was going to take the position so they offered him the job.
Somewhere during this time frame he got cold feet and during this process the other candidates such as Coach Popham took other jobs.

To me this is bad business on Coach Johnson because now those other candidates who were passed over and not given an interview is probably stuck out now or feeling burned because someone probably had no SERIOUS intentions of going to Happy in the first place.

I'm sure other School Superintendents, Principals, AD's will this guy's resume or application on their email and they'll be weary of this guy and pass him over because this is not how you do business.
dang it wonder dog stop sugar coating things.

Yes Coach Johnson applied with no serious intent to take the job or ANY job. He did inform Happy at the interview that he wanted the job, Once Happy became interested in him as the LONE candidate, He backed out. According to folks around Rule ISD, he's done the same thing with them. Applied, gotten the interview, told them he wants the job, job is offered, He backs out.

Now in Coach Johnson defense, We don't know why he's backed out, could be because he's not a certified teacher, could be he's demanding more money, could be he wants free housing, could be momma don't want to live in a small town where the nearest walmart is 35 miles away.
WE DON'T KNOW WHY, but this this ain't good for future endeavours for his pursuit of employment in public school.

I believe its a leverage for more money from his place of employment
Good Afternoon,
I went back and forth about responding and stooping to a certain level as a professional. 11-12 years ago, I would have responded and been extremely upset, however now I’m at a different place as an educator, husband, father, coach, and Christian.
You are more than welcome to come to me about any questions you have about how I handle myself. You will continue to lose credibility if you handle and speak on things without going to the source. You have painted an inaccurate picture of me and I have had a dozen of coaches reach out to me this morning asking what is this all about.
I know communities, board members and superintendents read these boards, so my response is ONLY to clear the air for them not for you.
Rule ISD-
We never interviewed officially at Rule ISD. I did not back out of that job. They reached out a few times and asked if I was interested in interviewing. I said yes, I’m interested in coming out to interview. The next week, I found out the principal and superintendent were retiring from Rule ISD. I spoke with their AD at the time (he confirmed that as well) and I also saw it posted on the Region 14 job website. I reached out to them and told them I didn’t not want to come interview as I was not comfortable with committing to a new job when I wouldn’t even know who the super and principal would be.
Happy ISD-
If I was not interested, I would not have drug my family out of bed at 4:00am on a Saturday morning after an athletic banquet Friday night to drive four hours to West, Texas. The teaching field was the main struggle for me. I am not certified( my content cert is EC-12 PE) in SS, which is what the teaching field was going to be and at the time of the interview, they didn’t have a math position open for my wife. Anyone who knows me knows that I am very honest about everything and I have been honest with Coach Moore and Mr. Keith through the whole process. Bottom line is Coach Moore and Mr. Keith are great people and I would love to work for them. It was just not in the cards for us right now. Maybe down the road it works but who knows.


Coach Johnson