One problem is that you have the same coach for almost everything, so the problem seems to "compound" even when it really doesn't. They (parents and kids) get tired of seeing you and vice versa. They have one problem with you, it carries on throughout the year. Where as in bigger schools, they have the same problems, just see the problem a lot less.
Also, people in small towns have a feeling of
"Do you know who I am?"
No, and really does it matter. (is the answer that should be given because it should never matter
"When I was in school..."
Really, we did things different when i was in school too, just trying to make us better.
"Coach use to make us..."
Yeas, Coach also didn't get sued like parents will today. Sorry that this isn't Junction, TX or the 1940's. Parents suck these days and don't believe in the same accountability that we did.
Big schools, you don't get nearly as much of that. Everyone once in a while, but not daily.