
pojocrusader":2wknb3gl said:
Mr granger mae's last two post where rude and vulgar can you remove them ;)
Scratch that!!!!!!! the past 5 post........... Thanks again. upper management
I can buy a whole mini horse farm with the money from the settlement OFB now all i need is you to do your part ............(disappear). I heard snorkling is dangerous hint hint mae you could let a sting ray wrestle with him ......... Bam instant rich lady syndrome
CowboyP":2hdo1iqz said:
51eleven":2hdo1iqz said:
Clue, White Album, Mc Cartney.
I think you need to schedule an appointment with me. You have issues that need resolved.
Nah, the shot's are working wondurfully, they let me out of the straight jacket & into the yard a couple of hours a day (with supervision).