I find that MOST if not all six man mascots offensive.
Eagles, this is a vicious bird, as well as the symbol of our nation, which now-a-days, is offensive in itself. One school even has the audacity to have a flag bearing, carniverous, flying bunny killer that screams at ya. Outlaw this mascot NOW.
Bulldogs, they slobber too much, and their face is flat, i find this offensive to dogs that have pointy noses and don't slobber.
Hornets. Have you ever met a nice hornet? Offensive little creatures from start to finish.
Indians, Personally I don't see a problem with having a mascot from India, but apparently others find this offensive.
Panthers. Not only are they a vicious, meat eating killer, they are hard to see at night, BAN EM!!!!
Wildcats. An untamed feline? Are you kidding me? How rude.
Longhorns. Boasting about the length of your horn is quite offensive. Marfa should be outraged.
Lions, Tigers, AND Bears. No true Wizard of Oz fan should sleep at night if you are a supporter of any one of these mascots.
Cowboys, Obviously offensive to any self respecting metrosexual city slicker.
Mustangs, again with the untamed, how do you people sleep at night?
Bobcats. But they are so cute........ right before they rip your face off.
Cardinals. Quite offensive to ANY bird that does not have brilliant coloring like you do.
Cougars. Whats with all of the long toothed, meat eating cats? Gives me chills.
Coyotes. Sit outside at midnight and listen to one of these fellas howl at ya? That should be offensive to anyone.
Dragons. What ISN'T offensive about a creature that don't actually exist, breathes fire, bigger than most busses, and has scales?
Greyhounds. Quite offensive to any dog that has short legs and is slow.
Yellowhammers. What if my hammer is red? or blue? Harrrummpphh!!!